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Affirmation And Action

Sep 10, 2018

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Affirmation And Actions To Reach Your Level Of Success

This week let’s talk about some things that will keep us standing still and those that move us ahead.

An affirmation is a statement that one says to themselves over and over all day every day. Here is a good definition. Self-empowerment fostering the belief that positive mental attitude will achieve success in anything.

1. Just using affirmations alone is not enough. LOA people might disagree with me but I am a LOA guy. I believe that there is more evidence showing that affirmations coupled with action gets the results we desire.

2. What is action? The process of doing something typically to achieve a goal.

3. Action is usually quantifiable, measurable. As you work through a plan, you can check off items completed. You can monitor progress.

4. combining Affirmation and Action. Using an affirmation to trigger an action or an emotional response. This is the true power of affirmations. The affirmation can get you in the state of your already having achieved something. You take that enthusiasm and apply it to the action steps required and you have a very successful coupling.

5. Create various action plans for different aspects in your life. If you want wealth then a wealth plan, health plan, energy plan, etc.

6 You've written up at least one plan. Now write an affirmation to go with it. Remember the key with all affirmations is to get you feeling great and as if you already have what it is you desire.
- Wealth, I have all the wealth I could ever use.
- Health I am getting better and healthier every day
- Energy, I have tremendous energy to get everything done.

7. Start. You have formulated a plan now start it. Last week we discussed discipline. Begin implementing the first plan right now, today. Remember, you only have so much time on earth. Maximize it and use it to your benefit. Get going!

8. Check yourself often. Have a daily journal you write in talking about the actions you took and write down your affirmation for the next day. You don’t need a new affirmation each day one can carry you through as long as it has the desired effect.

9. Weekly Journal. One evening, perhaps Sunday, you write the plan for the next week and review last week's plan to see how you did on completing those tasks. Carry forward tasks not completed last week in to next week.

10. Look back over your journal. After several weeks look back to determine if you made progress or not. If not you need to decide if you did the work. The journal will tell you. Be honest with yourself, in the last several weeks, do your actions deserve success?

I hope you found this information helpful. Please join me over on Facebook and follow me there and subscribe to the Michael Edward Show on YouTube.

Michael Edward, Founder of

Transcript of this week's show

Affirmation And Action

Hey it's Michael Edward, founder of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks In 4 Weeks which is a course teaching you how to identify and remove mental blocks so that you can reach your level of success

Today, the name of this video is Affirmation And Action. I want to talk about affirmations and how to make them stronger and better because I think it's a point that we really need to focus on.

What is an Affirmation? It is simply a statement that you say over and over to yourself which gives you positive mental power to achieve a dream or a goal. But, there's something lacking in that and that brings me to point number 1.

Point number 1 is, Affirmations by themselves is just not strong enough. They're just not enough. There are people who believe that if you just sit there and say, "I’m so wealthy, I'm so wealthy..." that wealth will come to you. Maybe, maybe not It's not a real belief that I have. I believe that there's a little bit more to it than that. The other side of the coin is point 2.

Point 2. Action. What is action? Well, action is a process that you take or steps that you take to reach a goal.

Number 3. Action is measurable. It is quantifiable. You can see where you are in the steps, Right? In the process you can see where you're at.

Number 4. Combining the two together. When you combine affirmation with action now you are getting in to some pretty powerful stuff. The affirmations job is to get you mentally aware, excited, enthusiastic to take the action. Alright? That's the job.

Number 5. You need to have various plans. This is on the action side. With the plans If you're not healthy, you're ill, then you need a health plan. If you're poor, you probably want a wealth plan. And, if you are really dragging your butt around, then you might need an energy plan. You need different plans for different aspects of your life.

Now number 6. Now that you have the plan. Now we write the affirmations. If you have a wealth plan, "I am so wealthy: I have such abundance." You know, something to that effect.
A health plan could be: "I feel so good, I am so healthy, I'm so strong." Alright?
An energy plan could be something like: "I have tremendous energy that gets me through the day and in through to the night so I can enjoy time with my loved ones in the evening." Something like that.
You want to have affirmations and again the idea of the affirmation is to drive the steps, the actions. ok? Now that's using the affirmations side of things. I have a little bit of a different way I generally teach it but I wanted to come at it from affirmations because affirmations and or power statements are fairly commonly taught today and I think there a little bit misunderstood. So I wanted to clarify that up.

Now Point number 7. Is start! That simple, start! What can I say, start! People have these plans whether it's written down on in their minds, well we certainly have a desire and we never start. You have to start, so start.

Number 8. is, when you start something, you should write down a plan.  Ok, let's assume you've written out the plan, I want this on paper man. You can have different booklets , a notebook for a wealth plan, a health plan, different notebooks for each. You want to journalize every day. You want to have the next day's steps. Because if you don't have the action steps what good is the affirmations to drive you to do the actions if you don't have any steps. So, follow the plan and have the stuff written out. Every day you can carry forward the steps you didn't get completed today to tomorrow so you know what you're supposed to do tomorrow. That's number 8.

Number 9. Weekly, perhaps on a Sunday, whatever you quietest evening is. Do a little catch up. This is where you do a little a weekly journal on your various subjects on your various topics etc. Do a little mini report. It's one of these things where you take the successes of the week and you write them down and you take the stuff that you didn't finish in that week and you put it to the next week. It only takes a couple of seconds to read it and it doesn't take that long to put it together. So, where this comes in really handy is on the week to week you can sit back next week and look at this prior week and you can look at the bullet points. That's all they are, just bullet points. And, you say, Ok, I did this and this and that's terrific, so I can cross off the items from last week and I need to forward these items in to next week plus add these new items in to next week. You know what I'm saying? It's a really neat way of keeping things organized and looking back over time. Looking back over time is vital. In fact I'm going to put in a number 10 in here.

Number 10. Look back over your journal. If you find yourself 6 months from now in the same place you're in right now? Six months you have not grown, you have not reached your goal, you've not gotten any closer to it, You’re not tangibly nearer to it then you have to look back and see. Well, do I deserve to be? Did I do anything? Did I take any action? Really, what do I deserve here? You got to get out of the head space, stay in the head space really and get in to the action space. Combine the two and you will have a lot more power then you did in just following affirmations.

I hope this serves you. I hope you find this useful. Above all else, I hope you write it down, I hope you watch the video again and apply it.

I am Michael Edward coming to you from You can learn all kinds of stuff about me there. I hope you like me, I hope you subscribe, I hope you follow my emails, etc. etc. etc. and allow me to help you reach your level of success.

For now, I want you to go out there Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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