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Be A Role Model

Feb 18, 2019

Everyone is a role model. The question is, what kind of role model are you? This topic just may be a very big game changer for you. I know it changed my game.


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There are 3 primary questions you can ask yourself.

1. Who are your role models?
2. What did they teach you?
3. Are you living up to those teachings?

I believe that we are either great or bad role models. I suppose we could also fall in the middle and just be indifferent but this too isn’t a good place to be. If you want to reach a high level of success, you really have to think about this very seriously. If you are a parent this is even more true.

This impacts every aspect of your life. How do you want to be perceived by others? At the end of your life what do you want people to say about you? This is where it’s all at my friend. Start living how you want others to see you. I find it amazing just how much people pay attention to other people.

You probably know I am blind. I worked for a lot of years in a large organization. I would go to my desk and put on my headphones to hear the computer and get lost in my work. I couldn’t just look over there and see what people were up to. During chats in the lunch room I learned just how much people watched other people. I heard stories of the good, bad and the ugly. I began to understand then about just how vital role modeling could be. One lesson I learned rather quickly is that we are all role models.

What kind of a role model are you right now? One of the human faults in my opinion is the ability to justify in our own minds almost anything we do. Some think it’s perfectly fine to take something from a big store and not pay for it. “They won’t miss it.” I just can’t do it. I’m far from being a perfect person but I have certain traits that I learned from my parents who are two of my big role models.

Dad showed me through his actions that honesty and integrity are vital in both business and personal dealings. Mom showed me to find reasons to laugh even when things appear bleak. I try every single day to live up to their examples in everything that I do.

You need to decide the answer to the above questions and begin living that life right now. Allow it to show in everything that you do. The way you walk, talk, move and think.  How you treat those you love and the strangers you come across every day. Become that person that everyone would like to look up to. Yes, decide to do so right now.

Let’s make this world a better place. Let’s do so one smile at a time.

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