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Break Excuses For Your Success

Mar 18, 2019

Break Excuses For Your Success
We all have excuses. It’s just human nature. The one’s who succeed are those that find a way to eliminate their excuses and find solutions. I am blind and over half deaf. I have lots of excuses built right in.


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Excuses are another form of mental blocks.
We tell ourselves that we can’t do something and even give reasons for not being able to do so. Often we don’t even realize when we are doing it. It is often so natural to find the reasons for not being able to do something that somewhere along the way it became a habit.
First step, pay attention to your thoughts and learn to recognize when you are making excuses for yourself.
Begin by thinking of things you’d like to do and listen for the excuses.

There is always a way out.
You probably know of many people who found a way out of their predicament and turned things around. Celebrities, musicians and people in your own life. There is a way, you just have to be  determined to find it. Those that succeed didn’t do so by luck. They worked for it. They had hope for their future. You can do the very same. Sure some luck would help but nothing beats dogged determination.
Where there’s breath, there’s a way. You must have hope for your future.

Choose to challenge your thoughts and beliefs.
This is a big step for most people. Since excuses are your thoughts and beliefs telling you that you can’t do something, flip the thoughts. Start right now by inverting those thoughts to answers. You don’t need all the answers right now. Just begin by making little changes. Remember that your beliefs are just other people’s thoughts that you picked up over the years. When you really understand this, you’ve made huge progress.
I’ve challenged many beliefs that I held over the years. Society treating me like a freak because I’m blind? No, I’m not different, I just can’t see. Sorry Grandma but I really don’t think all that meat, flour  and butter is really good for me. Looking out for number 1 is important but then so it looking out for loved ones, friends, neighbors and strangers. Of course in my life, my clients. The list goes on and on.
You need to decide for yourself what are good and true beliefs for you. What beliefs are beneficial and which hold you back?
The most important action you can take right now is to change those thoughts from excuses to solutions and lay out a plan to overcome those excuses and objections you have.

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