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Change Your Identity Become Who You Want To Be

Feb 04, 2019

If you have struggled with making real life style changes and failed, you are not alone. It isn’t easy to affect new changes that last. Changing one’s habits is not always the best way to grow and succeed. There is another way. In forming a new identity will get you there.


Click, Michael E talks about it here.


There are 3 kinds of changes. Understanding the differences will help you make the correct choices for your personal development.

1. Outcome Change
This is when you think about the outcome. Such as changing your body shape. This can work but often isn’t a long lasting change. It is good for short term goals.

2. Process Change
This is when you try to implement a change through adding a new process or habit. Often we see this in a work environment. Someone decides that this new procedure will solve a specific issue. This too can work but often falls to the side quickly. This is because the issue isn’t around a new procedure but needs to encompass the human factor.

The human factor is in learning about yourself.

3. Identity Change.
Here is where the gold is. If you adopt a new identity you can have long lasting change. Instead of just changing your system to drop unwanted pounds, adopt the identity of an athlete. Call yourself an athlete. If you want to be a successful business person adopt the lifestyle and mind set of a business person. You will find that old excuses will fall away and your new skin will be filled with intention and positive work ethics.
Your identity can and often will change through the years. You are a parent and then the kids are older and your role is totally different. Now you can take the time to choose your identity.

In order to choose your very own identity that suits your goals you may need to role model after someone who is successful. Learn their mindsets. Observe how they walk and present themselves. Adopt their positive attitudes. Learn to be more like them and mix in your own personality.

Establishing your own identity can take some time. It takes consistency and thought. Yes, it takes practice too. It can be done and the results will be amazing for you. Once you have adopted an identity that serves you in the life you want to build, just focus on being consistent and learn to ignore any slips along the way.

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