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Change Your Thoughts Change Your Mood

Jan 28, 2019

Your thoughts directly affect how you feel. If at any moment you stop and ask yourself how you are feeling and then consider what you were thinking just a moment prior you will quickly appreciate how true this is. It is really hard to feel badly when you are thinking happy thoughts.


Learn how to Change Your Thoughts Change Your Mood, click here


In order to reach your highest level of success, you need to feel good all the time. In order to feel good all the time you need to develop some habits to aid you.

Given that your thoughts dictate how you feel, it is vital that you learn how to control your mind to shift from feeling badly to any degree to feeling better to some degree. When you feel good you are far more productive and stand a far greater chance at reaching your highest level of success.

There are things you can do right now to change your mood. Check your physiology. Straighten up your body and lift your head. Walk with purpose. Just simply smile.

Observe other people around you. Watch how their body changes depending on the mood they are in. Watch their facial expressions. Happy people smile far more often than angry people. Now apply this thinking to yourself.

Something to remember, Change your Physiology to change your psychology.

In order to change your mood you want to have a Pocket Full Of Happies. This is a mental pocket full of images of funny or loving thoughts. In this video, I tell about a baby kiss that always shifts my mood. You have memories that will always make you feel good and make you smile. Give this some thought now. Think about some of these moments and make a list of them. This way when you need it you already have it handy right there in your head. When you need a lift, just pull up an image in your mind of a funny or loving thought.

You have a built in alarm system. The problem is you might not even know it’s there. When I bang my arm or any part of my body I instantly review what I feel like in the moment and the thoughts I was thinking. Without doubt, they are always in line with how banging myself also made me feel. So if I was playing out some situation that made me feel annoyed and bumping my arm also annoyed me in the same way, it is time to change my thoughts.

Yes, being blind I do expect to bang myself more often. The key here is that I bump in to a door frame or something regularly but it generally isn’t hard enough to bother me. When it does bother me I then review how I’m feeling and what were my thoughts.

We can’t control every thought that goes through our heads. We can decide to change the thoughts right now and That is where the magic is.

Michael Edward

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