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Control Your Reactions For Success

Feb 11, 2019

It is really easy to lose control of your actions. It takes discipline to maintain control. How do you respond to criticism? Do you tear up or get curious? Two huge different reactions.


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Criticism can be the best way that you learn. How can we be better at taking criticism? Why are we so sensitive when the bottom line is you want to reach a higher level of success? We say we are willing to learn and grow and yet we choke up when someone tries to tell us something that can make a large impact on our lives?

Not everyone is good at giving criticism, this is very true. However many people are not good at hearing it either. Not very surprising since our first experience is probably on the playground when some mean kid was yelling something at us.

If you learn to develop a curiosity about the world and the role you play in it, this will open your mind to criticism. If you decide that there is so much more to learn then you open yourself up. This is when you are ready to make the most progress you have made since you were a baby.

You can choose who to listen to and who is less important but even someone being nasty might have a valid point. You may see that point once you brush all the filth from it. I prefer to think that I have so much to learn that I am willing to listen to just about anyone when they have something to say about me.

First thing you need to do is to decide that you are going to be open to hearing what people are saying to you. Once that is established now start asking people for their opinions of you in various scenarios.

In the work place ask a coworker how you can improve. I know how tough this is but it can prove to be valuable.

My guitar teacher had an interesting view on learning the guitar. He decided to hire a saxophone teacher for a lesson and asked him what he expects from an accompanying guitar when he is playing. I thought that was brilliant. He told me he did get some interesting feedback in that hour.

One of the practices you want to get very good at for your personal development is this. Be open to criticism, ask for criticism and ask more questions in general. Ask not only the people who are closest to you but other people too.

If you truly want to progress at a faster rate, you really need to tuck away the tear ducts and insecurities and be willing to ask and hear what people have to say about you.

If you are giving criticism in any form, be kind but honest. We must work together and share our knowledge to help make this world a better place.

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