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Discipline For Success

Sep 03, 2018

Watch the Discipline For Success Video Here


Discipline For Success

Here is another reason why many people don't reach their level of success. They simply don't have discipline. Let's explore what discipline means, doesn’t mean and how you can apply it to your life to help you reach that level of success you are after.

What Is Discipline?

1. First let's explore what it's not. Discipline is not the drill sergeant or any other tough figure head you may conjure up. Society today has misconceptions of what discipline is. More correctly perhaps is being disciplined. It has nothing to do with being punished.
Discipline is a controlled form of behavior or way of living.
Discipline links thoughts and accomplishments. Necessity to results. Poverty to wealth.

2. Discipline is the different between reaching your level of success and simply drifting along.

3. Discipline is the foundation which all things are built. All things.


4. Failure is hardly ever due to one precipitating event, rather it is due to a long term lack of discipline. We love to point the finger and say that’s why I failed. Realistically though, in most cases, there are several events that lead to the failure. One that is vital is a lack of discipline. I was in a store recently and the gentleman who runs the store kept is quite clean and he was very friendly. Over time he began to slack off on the cleanliness and even watched his little TV and didn’t pay as much attention to his customers as he used to. It is apparent to me that he has lost is discipline. This can result in a loss of cliental and lead to the failure of his business.

5. If you don't follow your daily goals you fall behind. If you have daily tasks that need to be performed and you don’t do so, you may never get caught up.

6. The real danger comes when we view falling behind as acceptable. One day behind leads to the next etc. If you reach the point of believing it is acceptable to fall behind then you will stay behind. If losing weight is your goal, never reach for the junk foods.

How To Acquire Discipline.

7. Ask yourself, what do I want to accomplish, what changes do I need to make to reach these goals? These are serious questions and you need to write them down and give them consideration.

8. Now ask yourself, am I willing to do what it takes to reach my level of success? This is constant consistent long term discipline. You should be asking this question of yourself often.

9. When you overcome the challenge of continuing your efforts when other obstacles get in the way. This is the come hell or high water. Come rain or shine I am going to take the actions I need to take to reach my level of success.

As always, go out there every day and Enjoy, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

Michael Edward

Michael Edward Quotes

"Discipline is not say a drill Sargent or somebody with some real or perceived level of power that they wield over us."
"Discipline is the difference between having a trail to follow, having a goal to follow versus just following the crowd."
"Usually, failure does not happen because of one precipitating event. Usually it's a lack of discipline."

Discipline For Success Video Transcript

Hey it's Michael Edward founder of That's a site where we working on helping you reach your level of success. That's the primary goal.

Now, there's a lot of reasons why people don't reach their level of success. I'm going to discuss one of them right now. It's called Discipline.

Under this I have 3 subheadings and I have 9 points. So 3 points under each heading.

The first heading that we're going to discuss is, what is discipline?

Point number 1. Let's start with what discipline is not. Discipline is not say a drill Sargent or somebody with some real or perceived level of power that they wield over us. That is not the discipline that we're talking about here that's a whole other category and a whole other word which doesn't matter to us right now.
What discipline is, is showing a form of behavior or a way of life. It's a form of behavior or a way of life. That is what discipline is. We're going to break it down even more, don't worry, we're going to cover a lot of stuff here.

Point number 2. Discipline is the difference between having a trail to follow, having a goal to follow versus just following the crowd. Drifting, going in whatever direction the wind blows. If you think about it, I mean really think about it, most of your life you were probably drifting. You probably weren't on a real path, a real direction. Alright? Most people are like that.

Number 3. Discipline is the foundation to which all things are built. All great things happen because of discipline. You can put this in to any category you want. But if you think about it, any kind of athletic endeavor, the great ones were obviously disciplined. They followed a certainly training, diet plan. They didn't slack off in any way shape or form. It was the foundation. Without discipline, nothing else matters. Ok? Hope that made sense.

Subheading is Failure.
The next 3 points are all about failure.

Number 4. Failure did not come from one precipitating event. Usually, failure does not happen because of one precipitating event. Usually it's a lack of discipline. Meaning, it's over time. It's not just that one thing that everybody wants to blame it on, right? "I failed because of..." No, it's over a time frame. And, you can think of that in terms of almost anything that anybody failed at anything. Usually, it's not one precipitating event, it's a constant ongoing thing.

Number 5. Failing to focus on your goals. when you fail to focus on your goals then you're not disciplined. That's why you fail. That's pretty self-explanatory.

Number 6. Is, this is a big one. when you bind that it is acceptable to not be discipline on something. So, for example, if you were supposed to make 10 phone calls today and you only made 3, you are behind 7. Are you ever going to be able to make up those 7 phone calls? Maybe, maybe not. But if you shrug your shoulders and go, "That's ok"? That is the devils work man, that's going down the really bad path. You cannot find it acceptable. If you are follow a certain savings plan and you failed to put money in the bank this month or this paycheck or whatever, and you fail and it's like ok, I'll make it up next time. Well, you might you might not but it's not acceptable. And making things not acceptable means that you will tend to work that much harder to make sure that you don't get to that point where you're in number 6 and saying,
"it's ok! I didn't have to do it that day. Yeah yeah"
Those are excuses and we know that excuses never work. 

Next section is: How do I Acquire Discipline?
This is beautiful. This is where it's all at. We need to acquire more discipline.

And number 7. is knowing what you want to accomplish and knowing what you need to change to accomplish those things. So you have to ask yourself,
A. What do I want to accomplish?
B. what do I need to change?
You need to write this stuff down. If you're not writing this down, go back and watch the whole video again and write it all down. But you need to write this down. What do I need to accomplish? and what do I need to change? Answer it! Answer the questions. Alright?

Number 8. Are you willing to do what it takes to follow through on the last one. which was What do I need to accomplish and what do I want to change? Are you willing? Do you have the discipline? Are you willing to accept change? To do what it takes.

Number 9. and this is a Biggy here. Number 9 is, come hell or high water, come rain or shine, are you willing to do it? Are you going to just turn away when times get tough? Or, are you going to buckle down and make it happen.
And you know I'm blind. Right? You've probably seen my videos and so forth. You know I can't hear very well I'm over half deaf. You know I destroyed my hands using the computer and so on. I'm telling you, just to get to where I am right now in making these videos and doing all the Facebook stuff, the amount of stuff that I had to work through was phenomenal. I could have given up countless times and just said to hell with it. It's just too hard. I can't do this. There's too much for me to learn. You know? It takes me longer than it does a sighted person with the same skill sets as I have. It take me way longer. I didn't let the first or second or third hardship knock me down, I kept plugging away. So number nine is all about sticking with it when times get tough. Alright? That's what it's all about.

I hope you found this video very useful. I really do. I hope you go back and write it down. Write down the notes and really focus on these nine points that I've laid out for you. And, see what the differences are in these nine points and how you can apply it to your life in order that you can reach your level of success.

I'm Michael Edward, home is: I hope that you subscribe to the YouTube video. I hope that you join up on the Facebook stuff because I'm always posting stuff there. A couple of live videos a week and all that good stuff.

I want you to go out there every day and Enjoy, I want you to Love as much as you possibly can and Succeed.

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