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Do You Have A Motto

Feb 25, 2019

A motto is far more than just a few words. It is a way of life. It is defined as being a short phrase encapsulating beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family or institution. Now that has some kick to it.


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After giving this some serious consideration, the words that guide me are: Enjoy, Love, Succeed. I have shared these words often. I end emails with them. I close off most videos with them. It is part of my name on my Facebook page. Look up Michael Edward – Enjoy Love Succeed and you will find me. Interesting though, after all this time, I don’t know that I ever really broke it down and explained what it means to me. I recorded a new video for you to help do so.

Here is an overview for what these words mean to me.
Dad taught me to do something I enjoy every single day. This is one of the things that makes life worth living.
I learned to love everyone I meet along the way as much as I can. I try to leave the other person feeling better than they did when I met up with them.
I do my best to succeed at everything I do. I have my own personal definition of success. This is to help others reach their level of success. This is why I write, record videos design programs and struggle with technology. It’s why I get up each morning. Success means even more to me. It means to do all I do with excellence. Yes, these 3 little words are very meaningful to me and my way of life.

Sadly it takes a huge event to bring the world together. After 911 I remember people talking to people. Strangers being kind and considerate to strangers. It didn’t last. I believe we can be like this all the time. To do so we have to judge less and love more.

What words hold a great deal of meaning for you? Feel free to use mine to get you started. You may change these words as you grow and develop. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact sometimes the words themselves may have more meaning for you in time as well.

Take some time to find your 3 words, your motto. Live it, breathe it, be it. Let’s make this world a better place to be. Bring your best self to everything that you do.

Enjoy, Love, Succeed
Michael Edward



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