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Finding Your Career Path

May 06, 2019

Finding your career path is very challenging for many people. How do you know what you want to do versus what people say you should do? How can you narrow this vast field of opportunity down? Where do you begin?


Click here to watch the video, Finding Your Career Path


Process Of Elimination
Sometimes it is better to decide what you don’t want to do and reduce the field. What remains then becomes possibilities. Break various careers into categories. Most choices fall in to one of the following. Working with:
People, animals machines or systems.
Some people love the challenge of working with other people. Some prefer animals. Still others find great excitement in working with machines and creating. Still others like working in a system such as investing or other systems. One is not better than the other. It’s all about what fits in your personality and mind.
Once this has been chosen, now think about what it is you want to do.

Narrow The Path
Now you can ask yourself, what is it you want to do. Teach or provide a service to people? Train or care for animals? Create or construct? investments or other systems? There are many other subcategories based on your chosen area. Follow the logic.
You can also consider what income would fit your chosen lifestyle. Many people in the service industry are paid a certain amount of money. This is exchanging your time for a set amount of money. Other vocations can have an unlimited amount of income. No, money isn’t everything but if your chosen career doesn’t offer you the income potential you want it isn’t a good fit.

Just Get Started
No matter what it is you decide the next step is to research the subject. Maybe watch all the YouTube shows you can find. Read books, talk to people in the field. Learn about the joys and sorrels. Then, just get started. The first step is the hardest but the most necessary.

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