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Have A Powerful State Of Mind

Apr 01, 2019

Have A Powerful State Of Mind
Having a powerful state of mind is the difference between reaching a high level of success and merely getting along in the game of life. How can you be in this state?


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Situational Representation
This is when you decide how you are going to represent the various situations that come up. The thought processes that go through your mind. When your child comes home late, are you choosing to be angry or concerned? Will you greet the child with love or anger?
When your love is late are you thinking negative thoughts such as: that jerk is out cheating or I hope everything is fine. How you represent the situation dictates how you react when that person comes in the door. How you react dictates your relationship.

You Are Not Your Behavior
Your actions label you and this is wrong. You want to be able to choose your behavior and that chooses your label.
If you show jealous behavior , you get labeled a jealous person. This can and will push your love away. It is often just a matter of time. If you choose to take control of your mental responses and become the loving person you want to be, your relationship grows stronger and you now have the label of being a loving partner. This is a much nicer person to come home to be with.
If you are angry a lot of the time you get labeled an angry person. Not many people want to be around an angry person and how a person in this state can be highly successful, I’ll never know.

Recall A Successful Time In Your Life
This practice will help you remember what it felt like when you were very successful . This in turn will keep you in a powerful state of mind. This state of mind will push you through life’s challenges.
You have probably read about people who have succeeded and then failed. They then came back to be even more successful than before? This is due to their mental state. They know that they built that business or life once. If you can do something once then you can do so again and again. The skill sets are still a part of you.
Remember a time when you were very powerful. Feel that feeling. It will get you in a powerful state of mind and you will succeed.

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