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Have Belief

Jul 09, 2018

Being in a state of self-doubt is a bad place to be in.

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Have Belief

Being in a state of self-doubt is a bad place to be in. It will stop your growth and development and keep you from reaching your level of success. If you think back over the last few months or years, are you still in the same place you don’t want to be in? Have you made any progress in reaching your dream? If not the below will help remove these blocks and allow you to begin moving forward.

I've  been here. I was stuck for years. I was in a job I didn’t find satisfying and although I had enough by other people’s standards it wasn’t enough by my standards. I wasn’t happy or fulfilled. I began thinking that what I had was all I was capable of. I did the same things repeatedly giving me the same results. I am blind and over half deaf. I had many wins to this point, many successes. I had to raise my level of belief in my own abilities. These are steps I took to break out of this holding pattern.

  1. Take Action.

Determined action builds momentum and breeds success. If you do one thing, take one action every single day that will help you reach your success, you will eventually get there.

  1. Celebrate Your Successes.

Take a moment to sit back and enjoy your successes no matter how large or small. This helps you recognize that you are making progress. When you lay your head down at the end of the day, think about that day and find some actions you took that resulted in a successful outcome. It doesn’t have to be huge. Take the time then to realize that you do have to believe in yourself. You just proved it.

  1. Get Feedback About Yourself.

Asking others about you can indicate just how many good traits you have. Remember, use criticism as an opportunity to develop a specific trait and personal growth. Not as a reason to feel badly about yourself or be angry at the messenger.

  1. Feel The Feelings You Want To feel.

Feel what it feels like to be the person you want to be now. This increases your chance of succeeding exponentially. If you want to be better at something, start being better at it now. Learn and apply what you’ve learned.

  1. Stop Following Bad Thoughts.

Do not chase the negative bunny trail of a bad thought. Simply replace that bad memory with a happy or loving one and it will change your whole demeanor. Keep a pocket full of happies handy. These are fun memories and a mental photo album. When you find yourself reliving a bad scene, replace it with something from your pocket full of happies.

Implement the above 5 and watch how your mind opens up and you become more productive and happier. Being consistent is always the most important thing. Learning is important but true growth comes from applying what you learn.


Transcript From Video


Hey it's Michael Edward creator of How to Crush Your Mental Blocks in 4 Weeks where we do just that. We help you get rid of those mental blocks keeping you stuck and stopping you from reaching your level of success.

If you are in a state of self-doubt, okay like you don't believe in yourself anymore, it's a really bad place to be in. I have a few points we are going to cover to help you get out of that state.

Now I've been there. I've been there many times. Sometimes it has been very, very, bad. There was a time in my life where I lost it all including my family. It was a bad time in my life, I really had a lot of self-doubt, I didn't believe in myself anymore and until I could change that around, and get back on track, I was lost. Okay, there was just nowhere to go. There was nothing I could do until I got back a level of my own belief in me.

If you've been in that situation, you know what I'm talking about. You sometimes end up in a situation where you aren't leaving the house, you end up feeling pretty low, you end up quite depressed, you end up not reaching out for anybody or anything. You just crawl in to your own head and it's not a great space to be in. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna cover 3, 4 maybe 5 points on how to raise your belief.

Number 1 is quite simple and it's not hard to do. It's Start to Take Action. Alright? When you start to take action on something then you start to build the momentum. It doesn't have to be anything huge and dramatic but it does have to be consistent. Hence momentum. Momentum is something that you do over and over, alright? Once you build that momentum by taking action then you will start instantly to raise belief in yourself. Because you are starting to get the little wins. You are starting to get some level of progress. Now, for example, you can apply this to any aspect of your life. Let's just go with health for now because it's such an easy example to explain and easy for you to grasp. If you want to improve your health in some way, one thing you need to start doing is moving, get motion going. You can simply start that by going out for a walk. It is not hard. If you are a member of a gym, go to the gym. Do something to start and the next day, do it again. And, yes you may have to push yourself. Yes, it may not be an easy thing. It is easier to do nothing than it is to take action. However, once you get back in to the mode of taking action again, then the momentum builds. Right? You get some little successes and the momentum builds. You start to feel a bit better and the momentum builds. Right? and it just keeps going, going and going! That's what you want to do. It doesn't matter if you want to start a new business, then take the first step. What is the first step? Maybe you have to learn something. Maybe you already know everything you need to do but you need to put pen to paper and write a book or something. So, you have to start by taking action, repeating that action, building the momentum and keep on rocking.

Number 2 is a weakness of mine. You have to take a moment and celebrate the successes. It is so easy to forget the little successes we have along the way. And I do this constantly. It is something that I have to literally remind myself when I have a win, is to sit back and say, you know what? I did it! Now, you probably know I'm blind. I can't see anything and I haven’t been able to see since age ten or so. It also took a lot of my hearing. So, I've had a lot of successes and things that you may take for granted are not easy for me and I have to remember to stop and give myself a little pat on the back and say you know what? That was cool. You figured it out. You stuck with it. Alright? So, you need to stop and celebrate the successes. When you lay your head down at night, think about the day. Think about the successes you had. Doesn't matter how big or small. They can be very very small but the thing is, they were your successes. You celebrate it.

Number 3 is a bit trickier. In number 3 it can kind of be good or bad. There's nothing here that's bad but you'll see what I mean. Seek other people's opinions about you so, get some feedback about you. If it's a work environment, sit down with a co-worker, not your best friend because they might not be totally honest with you. Unless you happened to know one that will shoot from the hip. Talk to your team leader, around the house talk to your spouse, The things that you want to know are, what do you see me as being pretty good? Because, when you lost your belief you don't think you are good at anything. That's part of not believing in yourself. You really don't have a lot of self-worth. You really don't think you're good at anything. And, of course this is ridiculous. Of course you are good at something. You may not be good at everything but you're good at something. And, if you are, here's the key, if you are receiving some negative feedback from people and especially if it's multiple people. More than one person is saying the same thing, then, you need to take control and be an adult and say, you know what? Maybe this is a weak point for me. Maybe this is an opportunity for some self-growth. To develop myself in a certain way. Nothing wrong with that! That's wonderful. Don't beat yourself up and say well they think I'm rude. I'm not going to talk to that person because they think I'm rude. No, that one thinks I'm rude and that one thinks I'm rude. Well, you know what? you are probably rude. So, go with it and decide, I'm rude so what does that mean. Does that mean that I'm too abrupt with people? Wow, I didn't even think I was but apparently I am because they perceive me as so. I'm going to take a gentler approach. I'm going to learn how to change my language in such a way to use gentler words and to not be as abrupt. So, in other words, take the negative stuff, flip it in to a positive learning experience and growth experience and go with it. You will be rewarded.

The fourth one is Feel the Feeling that you want to feel. So, if you are lacking in belief, and you do not feel confident, then you need to get that feeling of feeling confident. I love to word feel because I am a touchy feely kind of guy. Don't get near me man, because you get near me I'll probably hug you. Anyway, get the feeling that you're after and when you do get that feeling you want to cultivate it. You want to grow it. You want to hold on to it as long as you can. yes, I know, Michael, how do I get the feeling? You know what? You've had successes. You’ve felt powerful at one time or another in your life. You made it this far, you had to have done something. When I think back about a time in my life when I was very much in control, when I was very much a powerful individual, and I was making good decisions and it just lifts me up.

It reminds me that there was a time in my life when I was feeling that good. If there was a time in my life when I was feeling that good then, then I can feel that good now. And, as you think about these things more and more, then you start to automatically feel a little better.

So, when you couple all these four things, you start to feel better. You start to feel more confident, you start to believe in yourself, in your ability to do things. Right? Take action, build momentum. All the things we've talked about

The other thing I wanted to mention here as well, is sometimes we get a lot of self-doubt because of a situation. Something happened at one time or another and probably recently, and we keep growing that thought. We keep hanging on to that thought, we keep thinking about it. As you think about it more and more it just gets you down deeper and deeper. It just drops you so low. Now, feelings and thoughts, your emotions are connected to your thoughts. So, if you're thinking a negative thought you are going to feel lousy. That's just fact. When you are chasing down that nasty bunny trail, then you allow your mind to actually build it up to worse than it really was. The, he said, she said, all that stuff. You can just build it up and make it angrier and make it meaner then it really was. Here's how you avoid that.

You simply change your thought. Something I call a pocket full of happies. If you have a pocket full of happies which are memories, these are mental photographs, these are things that people have said to you over the years and when you start to experience that negative thought, any negative thought, change the channel. Pull out one of your happies from your pocket and go with that and watch your whole demeanor change. watch your feelings, your emotions increase on the positive side. It's great. When you walk in to a dark room are you going to sit there and fight the dark? no, you will reach over and turn on the light switch, you are going to turn on the light, that's how it works. Change your thoughts. It's so quick, it's so easy but we don't do it. We love to chase those negative bunny trails. That will get you nowhere and really quickly. So, what you need to do is to have those pocket full of happies. It could be when you held a baby for the first time. Your baby for the first time. It could be uncle so and so did something funny, he laughed so hard he fell out of his chair. I was laughing not so much at the funny but his falling out of the chair because he was laughing so hard. You drum that image up, and replace the negative thought with that image You're going to start smiling. You're going to start feeling better right away.

I hope this served you? I hope you found this intriguing? and thought provoking? Please watch it again if you think you missed stuff. Write down some of these points and apply them. That's the trick You've got to do something with it. You can't just sit back and go, hey, Michael, that was cool. No, no, you gotta write it down, look at it, think about it, apply it in your life.

Please go ahead and subscribe so that I can send you updates. I'll be putting up a new show pretty much every week. I want you to go out there, enjoy every day, love as openly as you can and reach your level of success. Enjoy, love and succeed!

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