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Having Faith For Your Success

Jan 21, 2019

Without faith you won’t ever reach your highest level of success. Faith is made up of two primary parts, internal faith and external faith.


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External faith is a belief in a higher power. This can come from your organized religion or simply just believing that there is a higher power. When you have faith in a higher power you can ask for guidance. When you have something happen and you call it coincidence or serendipity or any of the other words to describe something out of your control, this is your higher power at work. If you don’t have a higher power on your side, you are now only relying on yourself and this will limit you.

Internal faith includes: believing in yourself and believing in your ability to figure things out.

Self-belief is hard for some people. This is a learned trait and can really negatively impact your life. You are not born with this self-doubt you learned it. We pick this up from other people’s opinions. Not fact, just opinion. A teacher or parent may have said you aren’t good in some manner and you took it as a fact and it was only that person’s opinion. Sometimes that person may have said something in anger and didn’t even mean it. Yet you may be carrying this around like some kind of undeserved emblem inside of you.

Develop your own belief in yourself. You are enough and you have the ability to learn and grow. In fact if you think about how you were 10 years ago you have grown. You have skills you didn’t have then. You have experiences you didn’t have then.

In the next 10 years you can decide to target your growth in a variety of directions. Pick a direction or dream or mission and start working towards it. Do so right now.

Often you need to have a belief that you can figure it out. I said to my sons from the time they were little guys. Everything is hard when you don’t know how. Once you know how things are easy. One of my son’s had a hard time learning basic math. I thought about it for a while and then I came up with a new way to add numbers. I showed him how to do it. He was amazed at how easy it was. What did I say? Everything is easy when you know how.

Apply this to anything you want to learn. Break things down in to small bits and learn them. It isn’t a race. Take your time, learn at your own pace. In anything you want to be very good at, master the basics first and then move on. Far too often we rush our learning and this will always come back to bite sooner or later.

Always remember to celebrate the wins you have. The little one’s too. The more wins you have the more you will keep going. This is one way to build momentum.

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