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Having Faith In Humanity And You

Oct 08, 2018

Watch The Having Faith In Humanity And You Video Here  


It is so easy to lose faith but in order to reach your level of success you must have faith in humanity and you. Why do we need to have faith in humanity? When we lose faith in the human race we lose hope in being able to have a positive impact on those around us and beyond. Faith can be replaced with suspicion, doubt and ultimately fear of society.

Fear of society then leads to your taking actions that are not conducive to reaching your level of success. It can result in your integrity being sacrificed and this leads to you starting to take negative actions. Actions that ultimately go against your core values.

If all humanity was an ocean it is filled with so much good, the water is clean. There are great people all over the world. If you now mix in the few that are bad, it is not enough to change the color of the ocean.

I know that sometimes it appears that there is more bad or evil in the world but this is simply not true. This is a valid impression that one might get from watching and reading the news. Frankly I stopped watching the news several years ago.

I have been fortunate enough to travel around some. When I am in another culture I see through the eyes of my guide. I always ask questions about how the local people look. Not just their clothes but are they smiling? I listen for laughter. I listen for a cheerful hello in whatever language they speak. Beyond a doubt, some of the very poor places I’ve been to, the people were smiling and were so happy even when they had next to nothing  by standards of more developed countries. Yes, I really do believe that there is so much good in the world that it is worth having a great deal of faith in humanity.

Having faith in yourself is quite different. You are a small pond. Taking negative actions will change the color of your water very quickly.
Negative action includes so many things we do daily without thought. When you talk to your kids did you leave them with a thought or feeling that they are bad or good but needing guidance? When you leave a store did you leave a feeling of gratitude even if that person wasn’t able to help you? Do you often refer to strangers as being a moron or do you simply ignore the behavior and move on?

Be aware of your interactions with people and always try to leave them with a good feeling. This will go a long way to keeping your water clean.

Evaluate your core beliefs, change them as necessary, hold them dear and know this, you are living a life of integrity and that my friend will get you where you want to go.

Enjoy, Love, Succeed!


Video Transcript

Today I'm going to challenge some of the ways that you think about things. I'm going to challenge some of your beliefs. I'm going to challenge some of your core values. I'm going to give you ways to think about how you are right now, why you are right now and look we're all here to raise our level of success. To reach our level of success whatever that means to you and we've learned things all through our life just as we are today, habits and it comes from all different forms, we'll touch on that in a bit. But, the thing is that you have to have faith in humanity and you in order for you to reach your level of success. Now, what am I talking about there? I am talking about ... you know very well that you need to think about things a little bit differently if you want to change. Right? If you don't change things in your life you are never going to change. I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll say it a thousand times more throughout my career. It's so simple and it's so true. One of the things that we may need to change and probably do need to change is sort of our core values, let's call it core values. Where we came from and what impact that has on us today.

In point 1. If we think about humanity as being an ocean. Humanity is an ocean. When you take all of humanity there is a tremendous amount of good in humanity. Yes, I know, there's a lot of bad. As humans we've screwed up a lot of things. But, overall, I think that you'll agree with me that humanity is for the most part, very very good. Most parts of the world people are relatively happy. I've been in some of the poorest countries in the world and I'm telling you, these people have nothing and they smile all the time. I've been in north America, I've been around a bit and a lot of people that I've run in to are happy people. Alright? Most people are good. If you take a few of the bad ones and toss them in the ocean, it's not going to change the color of the water. There's not enough bad to change the color of the water. And, yeah, I realize if you watch the news you're going to see the worst part of people. The worst part of society depending on where you are watching the news. I don't watch the news. I can't be bothered with the news. Because I have a faith in humanity. If I don't have that faith in humanity then what the heck am I doing here trying to teach you how to reach your level of success? I have faith in you, I have faith in your abilities. You don't need to be the smartest person in the class. at all, at all, at all! You just need to develop habits and new ways of thinking about things. That's point number one is that Humanity is an ocean and a few bad seeds are not going to change the color. I think Gandhi said that, that we have to believe in humanity. We have to have faith in the good of humanity.

Number 2. You are but a little pond. You are a small amount of water. Different from humanity you can change the color of that water from hour to hour, certainly day to day, month to month and so on. Now, what I mean by this is that if you do well, if you do good, your water is clear. You have a clear conscience, you feel pretty good, you are thinking positive thoughts, your water stays clear. Now if you do not such good things, you're cursing at somebody, you go over the top when you you're driving or something then you water starts to get dirtier and dirtier. and by the end of the day that water can be pretty colored. It could be pretty black. So, you need to focus on your behaviors in order to keep your part of the water clean. Alright? I hope that makes sense. You need to keep your thoughts well ... for lack of a better term, pure. Pure, innocent and avoid doing the bad things in life. Avoid flipping the bird, being snarky, avoid think that person's a moron. because of such and such and so on. Alright? Avoid all those things and focus on the good in humanity. Focus on the good of the person around you or with you or your addressing or whatever the situation entails. Alright? So you are but a small pond and that pond can get dirty really quick. So, you want to keep your water clean.

Number 3. is forgiveness is vital. Forgiveness is vital because if you walk around harboring anger, resentment, because somebody did such and such to you, you need to forgive that and let it go. That doesn't mean you have to approach the person and touch them on the forehead and say, I forgive you. No. It's an internal thing. You need to release the anger inside of you, the frustration, hurt, the sadness, any guilt. You need to forgive them and release it in order to unburden yourself and that will clear up your water like nobody’s business. It is vital. On the law of attraction side of things, if you have thoughts of so and so doing such and such to you and they're recurring thoughts, I mean, a bad break up. and these negative thoughts hang on and hang on. You got to let them go. It's a must.

Number 4. This is interesting Number 4 is relationship impact. I thought this was pretty interesting. I read a study on this recently. You are programmed by the people around you. Your immediate circle. That's friends, that's family People around you in your immediate circle is a big impact on who and what you are. I've heard for years that your income will be the average of your five best friends. I believe that because you develop the habits of you best friends. You know like drinkers like drinks and son on. Athletes like athletes and all that sort of thing. Wealthy people like wealthy people because they have the same belief structures they have the same interests ETC. Here was the interesting part. it goes down three tiers, three levels. So it's not only your immediate circle of friends but it's also those people's circle of friends that impact them which impacts you. Right? Because there getting information from somewhere, there getting the knowledge from somewhere, there getting the habits from somewhere, there getting it from their friends and their family where they grew up. At a lesser degree, there's a third level where the friends of your friends impact. So now we're going down three levels. Your immediate, their immediate and their immediate. Now admittedly it gets weaker but it is still a factor. Now, all this teaches you is that you have to pick your friends wisely. You have to pick who you are spending time with wisely. Do you need to develop new friendships? Probably. Is that a bad thing? No. We often out grow our best buddies. and that's not uncommon. If you think about that, all through your life, Right? From age so and so to age so and so this is who I hung out with. And then from age so and so, this is who I hung out with. All through life you grow and mature and you change and you develop new interests if you broaden your friend base. Your associate base. So, be aware all I'm teaching you here is to be open, be aware that relationships do have an impact on your having faith in humanity and you because their beliefs become your beliefs, their cultures become your cultures, etc. So, I hope that made sense to you.

Number 5. is, examine your beliefs. Here's where we are going to shake you up a little bit. Here's where we're going to say, alright, I believe this is true, is it really true. Whether you believe ... is it a religious belief or is it just a belief that you developed because maybe you grew up in a poor family and you have some money now but you still horde it. You still act like you have no idea where the next meal is going to come from. Is there a belief that your selfesteem isn't high enough because of something someone said to you way back when. You decide what your selfesteem is, don't let them decide. Nobody decides that for you, you do. You can kind of judge selfesteem by the way you react to criticisms, are you over the top with it or are you open to it? If you are opened to it then tipically you don't have a really big selfesteem issue. Ok? Are you confedent? If not, why? Did something .. someone tell you on the football field or in physical education? Did the teacher say, Hey you know what? you're no good. Let's get Joe over here. That can really satter one's confedance. Confedance in themselves. That's not good, you need to think about that and think about various situations that came up over your life and decide what belief you have attached to that and then you can better examine it and decide whether it's true or not. And if you need to get help by the way, get the help! On my website sooner or later I'm going to put in a thing about a releasing technique that I use, that I work one on one with my clients to help them release this kind of stresses, these beliefs. They are harmful, they are dangerous to you and they hold you back! So, you want to examine your beliefs This leads us to number 6.

Number 6 is Have more faith in you. You need to have a high degree of faith in yourself. Now you may have much to learn. Grasshopper, I don't know, I don't know where you're at right now but I know I do. I'm never going to stop. I'm 53 years old and I'm still learning. I do not believe for a moment that I know all I need to know to live the lifestyle that I choose the lead. I don't believe that for a second.. I believe that there is still so much knowledge out there that I need to grasp in order that I can turn around and teach you, so that you can reach your level of success. The people in my courses I get the thank you's, I get the, wow! this has really changed my life. That changes my life. That's why I work for. Of course I want my own peace of mind., my own pleasures, my own happiness and feeling relaxed. So, you have to have the faith in yourself in order to do that you need to shake up stuff, probably. There's nothing wrong with saying you know what? before I start by business I need to get more educated, more self-educated. I need to read more books or I need to take a course or I need to go to a seminar to do this. That's fine, however, do not get stuck in the learning process. Get stuck in the taking action process. If you do nothing but take courses in and so on and so forth, you're not going to do anything. You're not going to get anything done. I've read lots and lots of books. I've done all kinds of studies. but it doesn't stop me from doing the next video. I say yes, I need to learn more about this subject because this concept is new to me, whatever it might be and that's fine. I'm going to develop that skill but meanwhile I'm going to talk about another skill. You see what I'm saying? Don't get stuck, trapped in that learning process start applying everything that you've learned. And in that my friend you will start to reach your level of success.

Number 7. is, Allow other people to have their beliefs. Just because you don't agree with somebody else’s beliefs does not make them right or wrong. It might make them right or wrong for you but it but it doesn't make it right or wrong for them. They have their beliefs. It doesn't matter if you're talking about a religion, if you're talking about a method of exercise, if you are talking about a method of diet. I mean I have my opinion of what is the healthiest diet, you may disagree. That's fine. If your diet is working for you and it is getting you where you want to be., then it's fine. If I have a belief that a certain religion just goes against all of my cores, all of my values, all of my beliefs, and I know somebody who is a member of that religion I'm not going to like them less. It's their belief. It's their cores. My best friend growing up, he went to church every Sunday and all that. I used to ask him sometimes we'd sit around and I'd ask more about ... Tell me more about your belief. Tell me more about why it is you go to church. Tell me more ... So I got an education. I wasn't interested in going to church with him at all but I wanted a background on it. Just because his beliefs structure was different to mine did not mean that we weren’t good friends. We are lifetime friends. We’re still best friends, I love him, absolutely love him.
So, again, allow other people to have their beliefs and just go with you and your beliefs. Alright? I hope that makes sense because it's a big problem I think today. Is that we try and force our beliefs on to other people. I don't do that. I try and open people's minds to think about what is right for them and to take action in doing so. I will never sit here and tell you that you have to believe in this and this and this, I will tell you that you do need to open up your mind and consider other options and so forth. You do need to develop new habits because those habits are the habits that successful people all carry. So sure, you need to develop new habits. You've seen some of my other videos, if you haven’t check them out, Michael Edward Show on YouTube and Michael Edward Enjoy Love Succeed on Facebook. Watch my posts. Watch my videos. Because I'm teaching you all this gold. I'm teaching you the gold here. Grab it! Take it to the bank man! The bank of course is here and here. heart and head. You want to take what is right for you and apply it for you and reach your level of success.

Alright? That's another video for you. I hope you loved it. Give me thumbs up do all the appropriate stuff. If you drop a comment, I will try and respond. I love you, have a great one.

I am Michael Edward
Go out there every day and Enjoy fully, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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