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Having More Courage

Aug 27, 2018

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Have More Courage

This kind of courage is not the kind that would have you running in a burning building and saving people. This is all about inner courage. About making you a stronger person and helping you feel more worthy of reaching your level of success. You are worthy, you just need to feel it for yourself.

As with all teaching points, you need to apply the below points to your specific scenario. Allow the concepts to trickle in to your conscience and chew on them a while. Think about your life and those you know and determine how they will apply in your life.

1. Perspective.
Know what you want and keep it first in your mind and in your heart. These are the goals you have. If you don’t have definite goals, write them out now.
Never be afraid to say no to any request and decide if yes is the correct action. We tend to do more for others then we will for ourselves. This means we can inadvertently put our need to succeed on the back burner.

2. Ask For Help or Support As Needed
Ask yourself what you want. Relearn your partner’s wants. Remember when you were dating? You probably spent time talking about each other’s dreams. It’s now time to do so again. Work on the common dreams together and pursue your dreams as well.
Who can you ask for help? Remember to ask god or the universe or your higher power. Be aware of the answer which can come in any form. Perhaps an email with just the right information. A friend may introduce you to a friend who has what you need. I enjoy this process and I’m amazed at the results I get and how they come to me.

3. Get pumped again.
Decide on a new bigger goal in various categories. Relationship, money, hobby, health, etc. Make the goal big enough to challenge you. With challenges come excitement and energy. No challenge keeps us in a life of mediocrity and worse.

4. Self-evaluation.
Rate yourself on a 1 to 10 scale. How am I currently doing against various goals. Being honest without recrimination is key here. If you find you aren’t making acceptable progress you need to design an activity schedule and be consistent and determined to follow it.
Ask others to rate you as well. This takes a lot of courage, You must be willing to hear what people have to say without feeling like you are being attacked. Be willing to take action to improve yourself. This is of course the whole point.

5. Be in the present.
Constantly be working on new habits. Be strong in your goals.
Be alive in the moment right now. When you are with a loved one, be with that loved one.
Experience what’s going on around you. Stick to your beliefs, your ethics and your path to your level of success.

Enjoy every day, Love all you can and Succeed.


MichaelEdwardShow-05-HaveMoreCourage-MichaelEdward Transcript

Have More Courage

Hey it's Michael Edward creator of How to Crush Your Mental Blocks in 4 Weeks. that's a course where we take you and we try to identify what your mental blocks are that's holding you back and then we crush them. Pretty much that simple.

I have some questions for you. If you are in a place right now where you are in a bit of a rut, and you are a little bit afraid of asking questions of people or, you just seem to don't have quite amount of courage that you need to proceed with achieving your dreams. Right? Reaching your level of success as I always say. Then perhaps we need to work a bit on courage. Let's talk about courage today. Let's go over 5 points that can help you raise your level of courage. I think that when we do have a higher level of courage, and I'm not talking about, you know, running in to burning buildings and so on, I'm talking about every day courageous action. being, not bold but willing to take the action that you need to take in order to reach your level of success. And, that takes courage. The 5 points I'm going to discuss all take courage. So, get your pen and paper ready and we'll talk about these 5 points, see what you think about them and see how you can incorporate them in to your life so that you can move on and reach your level of success and have a happier life.

Number 1 is, Have Perspective.
What do I mean by perspective in the scenario? What I'm talking about is you need to know what you want. If you know what you want then you are ahead of the game. But you need to keep it in the forefront of your mind. In your mind, inn your heart. If it's not in perspective if it's not clarity It's not there as being one of the biggest things that you think about the most all day long, then it's just not going to happen. It's just a bad waste to see people with great intention that don't follow. I was like this.
You know my story. I am blind and over half deaf and that has its own challenges. Then when I was working for the big organization I blew my thumbs in both my hands using the screen reading software the way I do to use the computer the way I did for the job. It was just another disability that made things harder for me. All this was happening at the same time, I was going to lose my job which meant a lot of stuff was going to be happening there. Plus I was losing my family. So, it was a bad time in my life. I was going to lose my house, I was going to lose all my possessions and have to start all over again from scratch. And I had no idea what the hell I was going to do. Anyway, I needed to focus on what is was. I needed to get in to perspective what is was I wanted to do and generate the energy around that. So that I could be what I wanted to be. So I could become who I wanted to become. So that I could do the things that I wanted to do and rebuild a successful life again. To reach my level of success. So, that's a bit about perspective and the other thing I'm going to mention here to is that, part of keeping things in line means that just because somebody asks you to do something, doesn't mean you have to do it. I'm a sucker for this, right? I'm a sucker for, Michael I need help. Boom, I'm there. I think most of us are. I think that most people are so willing to help other people that they do more for other people then they do for themselves and they forget about themselves. Here's where we're back to the perspective. That you need to keep in to perspective what it is that you want to do. And, I'm not saying don't help other people. I am saying, you need to evaluate, is this going to help me reach my level of success, yes or no? If the answer is no, which it probably will be, then you need to say is this going to inhibit me from reaching my level of success? If the answer is yes to that, then think seriously about saying no. You need to say no to people more often. If you are in a scenario where you are going to be asked a lot of you all of the time. When I was in big organization, there was this lady who worked a couple of desks over from me and she was phenomenal and everybody knew that no matter what she was doing, she'd drop it to help. Poor woman never got her work done. She had a line-up at her desk and I finally said to her there's a better way of doing this, let's sit down and figure it out and we did. But this point is that she was so stressed because she wasn't able to get her work done but she was able to help other people get their work done. So it was killing everything from her stats. You know, when the team leader looks at her stats and it would be gone, there weren't any. So, apply that to your situation and see how you can best fit it in to your situation.

Number 2. Ask For Help or Support As Needed.
I think we don't do this a lot. I don't think we talk to each other enough. I don't think we ask each other enough questions. People are afraid to ask or just don't take the time and you know, in order to be courageous you have to have the courage to ask questions and say. What is it that you want? You know you think about you and your partner, how many years have you been together? Maybe back when you first started dating and all that you knew what each other wanted then but do you know what each other wants now? Probably not. Because our needs change our wants change as we age. as we grow, as we learn. So, in order to know what each other wants you need to talk about it, you need to share. Get some ideas. I think that's really good for developing a very successful relationship. Making sure that you focus on the common goals that you have. There’s nothing wrong with having your own goals. Nothing wrong with that at all but you do want to share common goals and talk about them and focus on them. It takes courage to say, hey you know what? what do you want? And they’re going to go, what! What are you talking about! You get down to it again. You say, remember when we were walking and holding hands and talking and all that and we'd talk and talk and now I want to know, what are your dreams? What do you want? What are your goals? And if you don't have any, let's get some. Let's make some up. So, that's a big part of it. The other part of it is, you also need to ask whatever higher power you believe in, be it god, the universe. Put it out there. Ask the universe. Ask god. Hey god, help me with ... Hey universe ...

I'll do a whole session on Law Of Attraction sometime. It’s a phenomenal subject. I think it's worth some study. I think we should all know a little bit about Law Of Attraction. When you are working with anybody, who's a good coach, they all teach Law Of Attraction. They just don't call it Law Of Attraction. But we all talk about the same sort of subjects because those that are covered under Law Of Attraction are universal. Like feeling good all the time. If you aren't feeling good all the time then you are not going to attract good things. So anyway, I'm not going to go down the road of Law Of Attraction too much right now other than to say, put it out there, think about what you want, ask the universe or your higher power for assistance and wait and see what answer comes back. And, how it going to come back. It's always fun, it's really cool to see what happens. You ask for something today, boom, you might just get an email later one today. You might get an email tomorrow. You might get a phone call from an old friend. You might run in to somebody who introduces you to somebody else who has exactly what you want. I've had this happen countless times in my life. It's just so fun to see how things are going to work out.

Number 3. is, Let's Get Pumped Up!
Let's start looking at the goals. Yeah, I know, I seem to talk about goals all the time it's because they're so important. Because if you don't have anything to shoot for then what are you shooting for. What we need to do, is to take the goals that we have and we need to make them bigger. Or, rewrite new goals because we've already achieved the last ones. If you haven't done the goal writing exercise, get on it, get it done. There's tons of information out there, I've got other videos to talk about goals. I'm not going to get down to how to write goals other than to tell you this. Have Categories of goals. And you can make as many categories as you want. Finance, fitness, health, relationships. You can have relationship goals for your partner, for children, for work relationships etc.,
When we have a goal and we make it bigger, a little bit harder to achieve, it helps drive us. It helps us get in to a learning mode where we're learning new things in order to reach a new level. It easy to say, Ok, Um, relationship, I want to have a better relationship with my partner but I'm not going to do a damn thing to change it. Hello! What are you going to do to change it? What actions are you going to take? You got to have something, you got to give a little something if you want something to improve. . I hope that makes sense to you.
So, make the dream bigger. Make it challenging, with challenge comes more energy, with excitement and so forth. So, go ahead, do that and get pumped up.

Number 4 is a tough one. Self-Evaluation.
What we're talking about here is honesty with yourself being honest and really evaluating where you are right now and rating yourself from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, whatever numbers you want 5 or 10 being really really good. and 1 or 0 being, gone. This takes a lot of courage. We are not talking about pointing fingers here. We're not talking about blame here. We're not talking about self-recrimination here. What we're talking about is where are we now in the grand scheme of things. Where am I in my relationships. Am I putting forth a 10 or am I only putting forth a 3? Am I satisfied with my relationship right now? is that a 3, 4 or 5? Now you can better evaluate what you need to do to make it better. This is tough. If you really want to go down the road and really be courageous then you need to ask other people what they think. So, if you evaluate yourself on something ... relationship, You might ask yourself how is my marital relationship? If you find it is a 7 or an 8, you might just ask your spouse and say, You know what, I'm stepping out on a limb here but how do you feel our relationship is going? If they say, it's fine. Well fine is fine but put a number to it. Ask him or her to put a number to it. Then when you have a number you can decide between the two of you whether it requires more effort or it requires more work to make it better. Then you can start taking action again. We are back in to the action side of things. But first you need to evaluation where you are in order to determine what action is necessary to take later.
I hope that one serves you because that one is a tough one. and it does take a lot of courage. No question about it.

Number 5 is Being Present In The Moment.
Being present in the moment can mean a few things. It can mean Just enjoying what's going on around you and being certain that what's going on around you goes along with your ethics and your dreams. Is what I'm doing right now leading me to my dreams? incidentally, I just want to make sure that I'm not confusing things here because sometimes people think that when I talk, I'm talking strictly about production. and I'm talking boy, I got to be working a dream 24-7. No that's not true at all. What you need to do is you need to have recreational time. You need to have fun time. You need to have relationship time. You need to have human interaction time etc. But you do need to be in the present. That's what I'm talking about when your snuggled up to your partner you need to put other things out of your head and focus on the partner. But by the same token you're going to be in all kinds of situations and if you're in a situation where somebody says something that is just absolutely totally inappropriate and it totally goes against you, you have a couple of options here. You don't have to try and dictate your beliefs on to somebody else, frankly I don't think you ever should. Because it's their beliefs. Here's what I'm getting at, is the flip side of this. Nobody should be dictating their beliefs to you either. You should be able to decide what's important to you. Now if you say something in appropriate, it's inappropriate. That's all there is to it. I know I've done that too many times. You just apologize and move on. But, if somebody says something to try and change your belief or challenge your belief, It's your belief, you have the right to keep it or discard it. So all I'm saying here is that, stay with your belief, stay in the moment, with what's going on and don't turtle up. Don't stick your head in your shell  and say, you know what, I can't deal with this. . You got to deal with it. If it's negative, deal with it. If it's positive, deal with it. You just deal with different things in different ways. You enjoy it or you don't enjoy it. But you need to be there, you need to be aware of what's going on around you all the time and you need to be aware of what it is that you're trying to do.
I hope that made some sense and I hope you enjoyed the video.
I am Michael Edward from You can join my email list there. You can join up with my Facebook stuff. You can subscribe to the YouTube. Love to have you. Love to teach you.
I want you to go out there, Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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