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How Do You Finish Tasks 5 Ways

Jul 08, 2019

How many times have you started something and didn't finish? Have you ever been excited about a new project and life just got in the way? Later you intend on getting back to it but never do?

We've all been there at one time or another. Some people never finish anything. Why is this? What makes some people so good at seeing a project through and finishing and others so bad at it.

click here to watch the How Do You Finish Tasks 5 Ways Video


How Do You Finish Tasks 5 Ways


1. Level Of Intensity (LOI)

Think about your projects in terms of LOI. How important is it that you complete this task. This is vital. If you have a project that you want to do because it interests you on a casual level, chances are this project may never get started much less completed.
On the other hand if your project is important because it can help someone or add beauty to a loved one's life then this deserves a high LOI.
Rate the LOI on a numeric scale of 0 to 10. 0 means you have no interest at all and 10 means it is vital that you complete the project at hand.


2. Link The LOI To An Outcome

There are various ways to link the Level Of Intensity to the outcome. If you are doing the project for a loved one, think about how much that person will appreciate your efforts.
If it has an impact remind yourself often about the impact. Does it change the world in some way?
Link the outcome to someone you love. I work very hard for my sons. It is what keeps me going. Here is a video to help you.

Click here to watch How To Raise Necessity To Ensure Your Success


3. Share Your Project

Often we don't complete a task when there's no accountability. At work we are assigned a task with the full expectation that it will be completed. There is often some implied consequence if the task isn't completed as request/ordered.
You can increase accountability for yourself by simply putting your ego on the line. One way to do this is to communicate your goals.
I have a buddy in the UK and we share almost daily what we are up to. I tell him the tasks I plan to complete that day and the next day he asks how it went. I really don't like having to tell him I didn't get things done. He doesn't chastise me in any way. I just don't want to admit that I said I'd do something and I didn't get it done. Ego!


4. Perfection Stops you Cold

Far too often we get caught up in the belief that it must be perfect. Here's a truth. Nothing is perfect.
Good enough is nearly always good enough. I was listening to Joe Walsh formerly of the Eagles talking about the recording of Hotel California. He stated that there are mistakes in that song and they just couldn't get it right. I grew up listening to that song and I've never heard a mistake. Often it is the imperfections that makes things better. It gives it that human touch.
In most situations if one makes a mistake it is correctable. I don't know how many times I've learned something new that was a game changer and I was able to go back and improve on something. It could be from a writing style to recording videos to woodworking or even playing my guitar. we can always learn more and go back and improve on it later. Shooting for perfection is simply an excuse for not trying and giving up too soon. I know this sounds harsh but really think about it and I am sure you will understand that it isn't meant as an insult but rather as sage advice.
Fear is often part of this too. When you plan out the next steps with care it will have a much higher rate of success. In some cases you can practice before hand in other cases you just have to do your best and know that your best is going to be good enough.


5. Have Established Deadlines

Without deadlines there's nothing to tell you it's time to get off your butt and get to work. I have many deadlines. One of which is this blog and related YouTube video. I have them released every Monday morning. If I didn't have a deadline who knows how often I would miss a week because I am too tired or busy on something else.
Establish a final must be completed by no excuses deadline. From this date you can now plan out the tasks you need to do to complete the project by that date. If you are building something you need to have the materials by X. Cut the wood to size by X etc.
You can apply this simple powerful practice to all aspects of your life and succeed. 


Take these 5 points under consideration and see just how many of them you follow now. Apply them to all of the tasks you want to complete and let me know how it improved your productivity.

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