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How Giving And Receiving Impacts Your Success

Oct 29, 2018

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Giving and receiving is necessary in life. It is something that you may run in to now and then but in my opinion, not nearly enough. I hope to share with you some of the reasons for needing to give and receive so that we can experience more of this powerful aspect about reaching your level of success.

1. Why should we give?
When you give freely and without strings attached you get back. Not from the person you gave to but in some other way and in a way that makes you feel good.

2. Give with joy.
when we give with joy in our hearts we not only get back in some manner but we also made someone else feel good with our generosity.

3. Give without recrimination.
A friend of mine was telling me about seeing a guy who was down on his luck. He gave him some money. I asked wasn't he worried he'd just go out and buy some drugs or booze? I liked his response. He said, I thought about that. If that's what he enjoys, who am I to judge.

4. Receiving is vital
I was never very good at receiving. I always felt uncomfortable getting something for nothing. It wasn't until I really understood that I must develop the ability to receive graciously in order that I can allow someone to give. How can I turn down someone else's opportunity to give joyously? I believe it would break the circle of giving and receiving.

Here is how not to give.

5. Giving and receiving is not a balanced scale.
I've heard people complain that they did something for someone and that someone didn't reciprocate. It doesn't work like that. You don't collect debts or keep score. When you give from the heart because you want to and it makes you feel good that's reward enough. Your higher power will reward you 10 fold for your kindness. You have no idea how or when but it will.

6. Giving due to pressure.
If you are required to give or are pressured to give this will not work in your favor. At work I was told I should give to the charity chosen by the folks in charge. I did one year. I didn't like it, it didn't make me feel good so I stopped. I still gave but to causes I felt fit my ethics. Those that made me feel good.

7. Getting back
I mentioned you will be rewarded sooner or later in some way you may not expect. It's true. You know how you had a time when something happened that really made a difference to you? Some act of kindness when your car broke down or a stranger doing something out of the blue and you really appreciated it? That's how it works. Maybe you gave someone ten dollars and you received a hundred at a later date? That's how it works.

Video Transcript

Hey It's Michael Edward creator of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks In 4 Weeks. Which is a course that teaches you how to identify and remove those mental blocks that's stopping you from reaching your level of success.

Let's talk a bit about How Giving And Receiving Impacts Your Success.
I think we all know, I think it's common that we all know we should give what we can. Doesn't have to be money. It could be time. It could be kindness. Could be anything. But we do know that we have to give.
The other side of the coin is that we have to receive. I have 7 points here that I'm going to discuss. I'll just rip over them quickly for you and then we'll break them down.
Number 1 is Why do we have to give and receive?
Number 2. Give with joy, absolute joy.
Number 3. Give without recrimination.
Number 4 is being able to receive.
Number is giving is not a balancing scale. It's not a scale that we are trying to balance. I'll explain that in a bit.
Number 6 is give without pressure. Give freely in other words.
Number 7 is getting back.

Let's go down this. Before we start I want to tell you a story. A friend of mine was telling me a couple of days ago. It kind of prompted me to do this video actually. He was in an ice-cream shop and there was a father and daughter. The daughter might have been twelvish. twelve years of age or so. He said what do you want? And she said I want this. Well he said, as long as it doesn't end up being more than 7 bucks or so because that' all I've got. Well my buddy stepped up to him and said sir, I think you dropped this 20. The dad looked at him and he said, no I don't think so. My buddy says, yeah, I'm pretty sure you dropped this 20 and he slipped it in to his hand. And the dad got it and he smiled and that smile was a terrific reward for him. He's going to get other rewards and in fact he already has and he's not aware of it. Because ... I hope he watches this video so he can get a lesson out of this. It was a generous kind act. Even the store owners saw what was going on and when the father and daughter left, she said, I saw that, that was such a sweet thing. You know, and it was a really nice moment for him. I think that's just a terrific example of giving. And it sort of matches all the points that we are going to get to below.

In number 1. Why do we give and receive?
We have to give and receive ... it's sort of like a circle. If you're willing to give and you're willing to receive, you get more then you give. Again, I'll touch more on this as we go through the points but just an introduction. That's sort of the bottom line. There's a whole lot of other reasons, because it makes us feel good and so forth but let's move on. 

Number 2. Give with absolute joy.
When you give with absolute joy. That means that you are giving and there's no thought to anything other than it feels good to give. As I said earlier, it doesn't have to be money, it certainly can be money but it could be time. Maybe you are donating time to a food bank or something or helping animals or whatever it might be, whatever makes you feel good. Do it with absolute joy.

Number 3 is Give without recrimination.
This is a really big one and another buddy of mine and I were talking a while ago. He told me he was walking down the street and he saw this guy that was just down on his luck. His clothes were bad, his shoes were bad and he just got this urge and he followed through with the urge. He reached in to his pocket and he ripped out a 20 and he handed it to the guy. Didn't really say anything, just handed it to him. And, I said to him, well, aren't you afraid that he's just going to take that 20 bucks and by himself a bottle or some form of drugs or something like that? He said, yeah, He says, Michael I thought about that. And he says, you know what? If he has a good time, if that's what he wants to do, who am I to judge. That's a brilliant response. This buddy of mine have never studied anything like this. That was just a natural reaction for him. He's such a sweet man. That's the kind of giving that you want to do. You want to give without recrimination. Without the thought of, well this guy is just going to use the money for ... That's a negative thing, you don't want to go down there. You want to stick with number 2 which is give with absolute joy.

Number 4. is, being able to receive. Well, this was a weak point for me. And frankly it still is to some degree. It's something I have to work on because I freely give of my time, I freely give of different things I've certainly given money. But, for me to receive something as simple as a cup of tea. You know. I'm lined up at a coffee shop or something like that and somebody says, here let me get that cup of tea for you. You know, and purchase it for me. And I get this immediate kind of jolt of ... like I have to do something in return. It just made me feel uncomfortable for the longest time. But then when I realized that if I'm not open to receiving two things happen here. 1. is that the person who wants to give to me, I'm stopping their ability to give. That's selfish. I cannot do that. You cannot do that. You have to allow people to give because that works in their favor. And the other one is, if I'm not willing to receive then how can I be open to all the benefits of giving. Because that is a major reason why we give. It's not the only reason we give but it's a major reason why we give. So that we can receive something that we want or that will make us feel good. Or, that will help us in our career. Alright? You can do an act of kindness and in response somewhere down the road. Could be tomorrow, could be the next day. Somehow this will help you reach your level of success. Because that's what's foremost on your mind is, I need to reach this level of success. So something is going to help you. Maybe it's a little money that you can sink in to your business, maybe it's advice, whatever. But it comes to you. You have to be open to receive.

Number 5. Giving is not a balance scale.
I see this too many times where somebody's bitching You know, does that person have any idea how much I've given them over the years. Or, how much I've done for them just in the last week or month! It doesn't work that way. When you give, you give with joy, you expect nothing in return from that person because that person is not where you are going to get ... You're not going to receive from that person. Not necessarily, could be but it doesn't have to be. When I was talking about my buddy earlier who was at the ice-cream shop. He's changing his career. and it's going to take him some time to do so. but along the way, he had to shift his work and he's now earning more money than he did before and that is necessary for him. He hasn't figured that out yet. I hope you got that now buddy. Be grateful, it's all working in your favor. And, when you give and you expect something equal in return, you're stopping the whole thing from flowing. So, you have to allow the universe, your god, whatever higher power you believe in, to help you become what you want to be by forgetting about this balancing act, because all this balancing act is going to do, balancing of the scale is going to do is piss you off frankly. Like, I gave so and so to such and such and they did nothing for me. Yeah, but think about what you did get and from other avenues. Unexpected avenues. What did you get? You see it came back to you. It just didn't come from this person. That balancing act thing is against the joy, it's against the giving freely. Alright? You don't want to do that.

Number 6. is, giving under pressure.
Now what I mean by that is, when you give you have to give with joy like I mentioned, and not through an obligation. I was at work for the big company and the big company had a specific charity. I was supposed to donate money to that charity and that charity only because that's what work said I should do. I did once, maybe twice but I didn't like it. I didn't feel good. It felt like an obligation. Felt like something I was compelled to do. People in some religions have to give up X percentage of their income in order to be part of that church. Well that's forced man. Some people can get along with that and say, yeah, I'm great with that. I'm supporting so and so and that's just wonderful, I love it. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with it I'm saying make sure it's right for you. It's not write for me. I like to give when I want to give, what I want to give, how I want to give it and for my reasons that I want to give it. That's just my way but something you need to take in to consideration. If you're giving something because you have to, You're not giving with free hand, you're not giving with joy. You're not going to get the reciprocation. You're not going to be giving and receiving for your success.

Number 7. is, Getting back.
Now I've touched on this all the way along. Getting back ... some texts say that when you give you get back 10 fold what you give. I don't know if there's a mathematical equation that suits this but I do believe certainly that you always get back when you give with a free heart. You know, with an open heart. And, getting back come to us in any form that makes you feel good. For example, If I gave somebody 10 bucks on the street and I really felt good about it, and let's say I'm driving down the road. I know, you don't want me to drive down the road because I can't see but eh, let's just go with it. If I was driving down the road and something happened, I got a flat tire or something. Am I'm struggling trying to get that tire changed. and somebody drives by and says, here let me help you with that, I'm very good at this. well, hello! I just got that 10 bucks back in my mind 10 fold because it probably would have cost me more than a hundred dollars to get somebody to come and tow me or change the tire. And this person just stopped and is willing to get their hands dirty to help a stranger. How wonderful is that? Is that beautiful? I thinks it's lovely. So, when you think about all the un expected wonderful unexpected that happens, It's in answer to your giving. Giving and receiving is a circle. You have to give, you have to allow others to give to you so that you can receive. You have to be open to all of the wonderous beauty that comes from giving and receiving. and this my friend will help you reach your level of success.

Now I want you to go out there every day, I want you to Enjoy, I want you to Love as much as you can and yes, Succeed.

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