Winegarden Music Is Coming

How Patience Affects Your Success

Jan 14, 2019

We are often told to be patient with others. This is of course a very good rule but it doesn’t end there. We must learn to be patient with ourselves.


Watch the How Patience Affects Your Success video here


We live in a world of immediate gratification. Just about everything we do gives us instant results. We have devices that allow us to be contacted where ever we are and social media to gain various reactions from our friends worldwide in moments. Even some of the food we consume is heated in a microwave and is ready in a few minutes. We feel rushed a lot of the time. This may be progress but the fact remains, you and I are still human.

You may not be patient enough with yourself. You may give up on learning something, figuring out how to do something that will change your life. Ask yourself the hard question. How many times have you been on the edge of success and you backed off? Patience is not a virtue it’s a necessity.

Often you have to slow down and allow your human brain time to take in information. It takes time to develop a new skill or habit. It takes time to change your life for the better. You must win the hard struggles.

The “it’s too hard” is something that has held you back. I have a saying I told my sons as they were growing up. “Everything is hard when you don't know how.” Allow yourself the chance to slow down and learn at your own pace so you can reach your highest level of success.

When you do feel overwhelmed, just walk away for a moment. Go get a drink of water. Take some time to think about the task at hand. Go back again and see if you can now look at it from a fresh perspective.

I often will do another task that is familiar to me. Maybe challenging maybe not. I have a little win or two. Then I go back and have another look at the issue. I also like to think of some bigger wins I had throughout my life and apply the same determination to this challenge.

Often times you may have to go backwards and learn more about the basics.
I like to play guitar now and then. I have written a song or two. It is something I enjoy doing. If I wanted to be a better musician I know very well that I would have to go back to the very basics to improve. This is not my goal, I’m happy with the way I play. However, in learning the online business I struggle every day to figure out something new. Being blind this can be very challenging for me. I walk away when necessary but I never give up. I constantly have to remind myself to be more patient with myself. If I didn’t have this level of patience I would have given up long before now.

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