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How Positive People Impact Your Success

Mar 04, 2019

Have you ever felt like you are a lone wolf? The people around you just don’t support you and your dream? You need to get around positive people and doing so will help you reach your highest level of success.


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It is vital to have your own dream. In order to reach that dream you need to associate with likeminded people. When you are around the right circle of friends you will feel more powerful. This is proven. We know that your circle of friends impact your behavior and will help dictate if you reach your highest level of success or not.

I’ve been a lone wolf in almost everything I ever did. When I trained in the gym I didn’t have anyone to train with me. It did make that goal much harder to achieve. I did reach those goals but it was a lonely battle a lot of the time.

In my studies in the Personal Development field, I tried talking to people around me to share what I was learning and they simply were not interested. I knew if I had a group of people who were also reaching for their stars it would be a huge boost for me.

The question remains, how do you get in touch with these people? What can you do to make your journey easier?

1. Networking
- Join and participate in Facebook groups.
- Take online courses that also offer a community as part of the program.
- Join local groups.
- Attend some seminars.
Any or all of these will help keep you motivated and the knowledge you will gain is invaluable.

2. Volunteer
This is a win win scenario. People who volunteer by nature are generally very positive. You also get the good feeling that comes with doing good for your community. Also, the people who sit on these boards are often the most successful people in your community.

3. Avoid Negative People
As important as it is to be around positive productive people, it is just as vital to avoid the negative ones. These are the people who will bring you down and help keep you in that situation you are working so hard to change.
I know this sounds harsh but if you think about it you’ve changed friends all your life. You grow apart and friends moves on to make new friends just as you have. .
In those situations where you can’t remove all negative people from your life, reduce the amount of contact. Also try to remain positive when in their company no matter what they do or say. Your positive energy can change the energy of a room. Positive energy beats negative energy every single time.

Try not to be a lone wolf. It makes your journey that much more difficult. Having like-minded people around you to celebrate the wins is so much more rewarding and motivating.

Enjoy, Love Succeed.
Michael Edward.

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