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How To Be Accountable For Your Growth

Sep 24, 2018

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How To Be Accountable For Your Growth

I find this rather interesting. I can give two people the same information. The gold.
One will be excited and take every word to heart and go apply it and get results. Another might shrug, “I've heard this all before” and go on with life and nothing changes. You choose which person you want to be. You can choose to be accountable for your growth.

1. Learn to work harder on yourself.
You must be willing to invest time and in some cases money in your personal growth. You can’t change anyone else but you can make huge differences in your life.

2. working on yourself lasts a lifetime.
It’s true. We humans have the right to choose. We choose what we eat, drink, think, and actions we take. We can choose to make our personal growth a lifetime endeavor. I believe we are in one of two states. We are growing and learning or we are dying. I choose to live and grow. What do you choose?

3. Ask yourself, what am I becoming not what am I getting. What you get is a reflection on what you are becoming. If you want more then you must become more.

4. Be open to changing and growth.
If you choose to stay as you are you also choose to have what you have right now. If you choose to have more you must change accordingly. It’s a simple concept, if you don’t change anything in your life then why would you think that things in your life will ever change?

5. There's only 24 hours in a day, use them wisely.
No matter who you are and where you are, rich or poor, you still only have those same 24 hours as everyone else. Even if you only have 15 or 30 minutes today to work on your personal growth, take advantage of that time. Tomorrow you might have an hour. Every bit counts. The secret is in keeping the momentum going. Do something every day to reach your level of success.

6. Becoming more valuable is the secret to earning more money. The more valuable you are the more you can earn. When you work for a business, they pay you based on your perceived current value. Increase your value and move up the corporate latter.

7. How to become more valuable? Be above average at all things.
Being average gets you average results. Develop above average habits and you will get above average results. Be above average in all these areas and more. Above average: personality, relevant knowledge, appearance, smile, work ethic and simply all aspects of life.

8. Setting Goals Is Vital.
If you don't have goals you simply won't make excellent progress. Watch last week's video MichaelEdwardShow-08-HowToSetExcellentGoals-MichaelEdward to learn more about setting goals for your success.

Be sure to Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.


How To Be Accountable For Your Growth Transcript

Hey I'm Michael Edward creator of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks In 4 Weeks which is a course that teaches you how to identify and crush your mental blocks in four weeks to help you get beyond where you are right now.

I just want to take a minute to say how wonderful I think you are. I think it's terrific that you, obviously are here because you want to learn, you want to grow, you want to develop. And, I think that's an admirable goal for everybody. I think that everybody should try to be a bit more than what they are. I'm just so grateful for you to be here spending some of your time with me. I'm going to do my best to share some gold with you.

Now I find this interesting. I can tell two people the same bits of information. It's the gold. It's the good stuff. It's the necessary stuff.. One of them will walk out the door and just say, "ya ya ya, I heard all that before.."
And the other one will walk out the door and say,
"wow! That was great! That was insightful, it has me thinking and I can't wait to start applying this stuff."
Why the difference between the two? Well, primarily it's because one says he or she may want to grow but they're really not ready yet.
The other person is there. The other person is enthusiastic, the other person if they follow through will reach their level of success and I think that's just terrific.

Anyway, you're here for a reason and I'm thankful that you are and I will do my best to make this an informative and hopefully a little entertaining video for you.

Alright. How To Be Accountable For Your Growth.

1. Work harder on yourself then you do anything else. If you work on your own personal development, your own personal growth then you will reach a higher level. But you have to be willing to work harder on yourself, certainly more than you do anybody else. You can't change what they are only they can change what they are. You can change and you can develop.

2. To be accountable for your growth, you have to understand that this is a lifelong ambition. This is a lifelong learning process. If you truly want to reach a higher level of success, Then this is a lifelong pursuit. So, plan for it. Make it one of your long term goals and an ongoing long-term goals. You breakdown the short term goals by saying what it is that you're going to do over the next month, 2 months 5 months, 6 months, a year. Always make sure that is one of your goals.

3. Ask what you are becoming not what you're getting. It's all about what you are growing in to. what are you becoming. When you think about that, what am I becoming versus what am   getting, because what I'm getting right now is probably what's applicable to the person you are right now. If you're becoming a new person, new skill sets, new attitude, new growth, you know, you will get more based on what you're becoming. I'll keep going because I think it will become a little clearer down a little bit further.

4. Be open to learning and change and growth.
So many times we sit back, we say, man< I wish I had ... or, boy I'd like to ... but we don't want to do anything to get to that stage. We need to do something to get to that stage. so if we want more money, we have to learn. We have to grow. We have to change something. If you stay just the way you are right now. You don't change a thing. Then why would you expect anything in your life is going to change. Very, Very simple concept. If you're not willing to change things in your life, nothing in your life is going to change. That's so simple. So, be open and willing to grow and change.

5. Hey, you want a fact? Here's a fact. There's 24 hours in a day. Can't change it. That's all there is. Doesn't matter who you are in the world. Doesn't matter how successful you are in the world. Doesn't matter how unsuccessful you are in the world. You have those same 24 hours. The difference between one person's 24 hours and another person's 24 hours is how they handle it. How they schedule it. What do they do with it. They have priorities. You have to have your highest priorities and deal with those priorities, they have to be done today. They are not negotiable. This is what I'm going to do today. These lower priorities, if I get to them great. If I don't vacuum today I can vacuum tomorrow. Big dam deal, right? The floor's a bit ... but I'll get to it tomorrow. Because right now, this is more important than that is.
Now in those 24 hours I realize that you could be  insanely busy. Got to run the kids everywhere, you've got the full time job,. you got this, you got that, but in every day pretty much there is 15, 20 30 minutes that you can grab for yourself. Read a book or watch another one of my videos or whatever it is you need to do. Start making your notes, start writing in your journal... Whatever it is that you need to do. Take those few minutes and make it so productive. 15 minutes a day of growth is better than no minutes that day. And then there'll be another day maybe tomorrow that you can spend an hour or 2 hours. And then the next day maybe you can only spend 10, 20, 30 minutes. So take advantage of it. Mark it on your calendar wherever possible and use the time you have, those 24 hours, as wisely as you can. And please, don't stay up all night, you do need sleep.

6. Become more valuable and the secret to becoming ... The secret to having more money and reaching a higher level of success is by becoming more valuable. That's a better way of putting it. So, when you work for a company, a business, and they pay you an hourly rate, they perceive your value as being worth that many dollars an hour. Their paying you for your value, what they perceive your value is. If you increase your value by growing and learning then your value goes up, your income goes up. In an organization, it could be going up the corporate latter. In an organization it might mean that you took some courses or it might mean that you did some things to help you be of more value in the company in order that they will see you are more valuable and increase your wage.

7. How do you become more valuable.
Well, your value increases when you are above average. So, if that's true, then what you need to do is to be above average on everything that you do. Everything that you do, do it with intention, do it with the fullest expectation that you will be above average. You can rate yourself in any way, depending on the situation. So for example, if I were in the gym, and there was an Olympian beside me, I'm not going to compare myself with that Olympian. That's ridiculous, he's probably half my age or less, he's in phenomenal shape that I'll never reach, you know, because I'm not going to spend that kind of time and so on. But I can work above average for me. I can try a little bit harder, I can go a little bit longer, I can lift a little bit heavier. That’s above average for me. I have goals, I'm going to achieve them. Above average for you at work, if they expect X number of widgets out of you in an hour, then give them X plus 10. Give them a little more. If you're righting a report for work, look it over, make sure that the words you are using are correct, it's concise, make it look good. If you're handwriting a note to somebody, write it legibly. Above average in all things! When you are out of the street and you're driving a car, drive the car by the rules of the road. Boy, don't get me started on drivers. You're zigzagging in and around and you're doing all this goofy stuff because, "I'm a good driver" Everybody always says that right? "I'm a really great driver, I can do that."
No you can't because you're wrecking the expectations of the other drivers and that what causes the accident. I'm not going to go down that road because .. it drives me nuts. So, be an above average driver. Follow the rules of the road. Don't get angry when somebody does something. Just move along. Be an above average partner. Pay attention to your partner. Be a little bit more affectionate. Be a little bit more loving. Be a little bit more attentive. Same thing with the kids. be a little bit more affectionate. Be a little bit more attentive. Listen to them. Work with them. Be above average parent. When you are above average on all things then all things come to you above average. Because you are working for it, that's what you're all about right now, is to become above average in your salary, in your lifestyle, in your physical being, in your health, do everything above average. Because average will give you average results. That's all there is to it, it's that simple. If you want to be average, average results.
Have an above average smile, wear just above average clothes. have above average handshake. Have above average anything, every little thing that you do, do it above average.

8. I'm going to toss in an eighth point here. Because without this I think we are spinning our wheels. Last week I posted a video on How to set excellent goals. Or excellent goal setting, something like that. You want to check that video out because if you're not doing good goal setting You are not going to get anywhere. You have to have a unit of measure which is goals. You have to have a plan which is a plan of action which is short term goals. you have to do these things and that is a huge part of how to be accountable for your growth.

Go ahead and watch this video again. Do it with a pen in your hand. Take down the various points. and what they mean to you. And how you can apply them in your life. I've given a few examples here and there but all my examples are there for is not to say if you want this, this is what you do. Is to get you to consider your situation and what you can do to apply the thoughts that I'm giving you, the ideas to how you can best apply to you. That's what it's all about. Is, adjusting to your situation.

Now on YouTube I'd like it if you would subscribe. Give me a thumbs up, put in a comment I'll see what I can do about getting a response to you. On Facebook, follow me there, Michael Edward - Enjoy Love Succeed. And of course at my blog. feel free to comment there. I look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to serving you again next week with a new video.

I do want you to go out there, and Enjoy, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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