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How To Beat Fear

Aug 04, 2018

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How To BEAT Fear

Have you been stuck in the same place for a while? Are you not progressing on a dream you have? Maybe you want to start something new and just can’t get it going? Fear of failure keeps you from trying to succeed. It can hold you right where you are year after year. Working with my one-on-one coaching clients I had to help reduce or eliminate various fears in order that they could finally make progress to reaching their dreams.

Here are 5 points that will help you understand about fears and ways to crush them.

1. Fear is an internal thought process that evokes an emotional response. Given this is true then by changing your thoughts you can change the feeling of fear to something far more positive and productive.
Simply change the thought from doubt to “I can”. If that is too much of a jump for you right now then try this. Write down all the ways you can do something. Spend lots of time thinking about point 4 below.

2. learn from any past failures. You are not the same person now you were then. Evaluate yourself with honesty and not blame. It’s never about pointing fingers or feeling badly about yourself,  It’s about your very own personal growth. As humans we have the right to choose. Choose to grow.

3. Do everything with intent and excellence. Make excellence a habit. I mean everything that you do in life. Even the simplest things like making your bed. Just anything and everything. Don’t strive for perfection. That’s a big topic for another day. Just do the best you can do. When you do things with intent meaning with thought, this helps raise enthusiasm. Apply excellence and the quality of tasks is vastly improved.

4. Plan for success. Calendar everything. Step out the next 4 tasks and put them on the calendar and do what it takes to complete them. Make these dates deadlines
Talk to people about what you are doing to create accountability. I have a good friend and we email each other daily. I always let him know what I’m up to that day. He will check back with me and ask how did it go. I am now accountable to both him and myself. I refuse to make excuses to him. Talk to people about your goals and dreams and make them complicit in your being accountable.

5. This is one of my big weak points. I finish a task and I forget to take some time for pride. I just go right on to the next task.
Celebrate the little wins. When you lay your head down at night, go over the day and realize you did have some wins that day. If you don’t find any then get some wins tomorrow. Action leads to wins, celebrations leads to more action which leads to momentum which leads to success.

Go out there every day and Enjoy, Love and Succeed.


Video is Transcribed here.

Hey it’s Michael Edward founder of ME Personal where we help people reach their level of success. Today I want to talk about How To Beat Fears.

Fear is one of those things that stops us from success. We have a fear of failure, fear of various kinds of things. but none-the-less, they stop us from succeeding. I know I've been stopped from fear a number of times. You know my story probably by now. I'm totally blind I've been blind since age 10 and in some cases I didn't start something or I didn't follow through on something because I feared the unknown. In my case sometimes with technology it is can I actually do what I need to be able to do with my screen reading software that talks to me . It makes the computer talk to me. And, other times it was just like, this is too much, I can't get on it, you know, I can't get my head wrapped around it, whatever it is. But really, it's always fear. It wasn't that I didn't know whether or not I could do something it was always fearing what was possible. So, if this rings true to you, I hope some of these following points, I'm going to cover 5 points here I hope they help you.

1. Fear is often a thought process that evokes an emotional response. Big words what does that mean? Essentially it means that you over think and you create the fear. The answer is pretty simple, you change your thoughts. When you start to creep in to that area of doubt, uncertainty that evokes that emotional response of fear, flip it to the positive. It is really that simple. In most cases if you just take the situation and flip it around and instead of the, I can't, I don't think, I doubt, you get in to the, I'm going to do my best, I'm going to succeed, I have the ability to figure it out. Alright, and it changes everything. It changes the emotional response from a fearful type emotion to more of anticipatory type of emotion. So, in other words, You're going to switch to ok, if I have no choice but to figure this out let's do it. Let's figure this out. Raise your level of excitement about it and enthusiasm and get on it and figure it out.

2. Learn from your past failures. I mean, we've all got failures right? If you seriously evaluate it, figure out what went wrong there. The next couple of points will help you with this but what I want you to do is remember this. The person you were then is not the person you are now. Ok? You've changed and when you change you grow a little bit, you learned a little bit. So learn from your past mistakes or failures and you need to approach from an educational stand point. Not a blame stand point. You are not pointing fingers at yourself or anybody else, it's learn from it. When you learn from something you've grown that much more.

3. Do everything with intent and excellence. I think a lot of people fail in this point and I think that people tend to only take a halfhearted approach to something that they want to do. Now if you want to reach a higher level of success in anything that you want to do, you need to raise necessity get obsessed about it and you really need to hammer it. If it's important to you then make it very important to you.

By doing everything that you do with a high degree of excellence, now not perfection that's something else entirely that's a whole other subject I will shoot, but just recognize that with excellence and intent you will stand a far greater chance to succeed. Whereas if you are just doing something with an ok attitude, you know what I'm saying? You really need to do all things that you do with a high degree of excellence in every aspect of your life. When you make that a habit, I'm telling you, great things are going to happen. It doesn't have any choice but to happen.

Now another way to eliminate fear is 4. Plan for success, calendar everything. If you are just going through this with a hum drum attitude you are not going to succeed. But if you're going to take it seriously and you're going to really plan it out, what do I need to do first? What is the first step that I need to take? And, how long will it take me to achieve that first step? Put it on the calendar. Make it real! Talk to people, tell them what you are up to. Get a level of accountability there. I have my buddy, he is actually overseas and we email most days and I like to tell him, today I'm going to do such and such. Then the next day, he asks me, so how did such and such go? So, I have a level of accountability to him and to myself. So, you need to really plan things out or else next year you are going to be exactly where you are right now. Just probably where you were last year. You know? So, you got to put it on your calendar. This week I'm going to learn how to do X. and next week I'm going to learn how to do Y. And you attack X this week. And, you do it! I know everyone's busy we all are, right? Especially if you have kids and you are running them all over the place to different games and different sports and so on and all that kind of stuff. But there's still some time every day that you can block out and say this is my time to work on such and such. Small steps are fine. they're better than what you did last week if you did nothing last week. Go ahead, make it real, calendar, talk to people and plan to succeed.

5. Celebrate the little wins. I really don't think we do this enough. It was a big weakness for me because when I finish something I lift my head up and say, Ok, what's next? What do I gotta do now? You know, what is the next step? I don't take the time to sit back and say, you know what, that was cool. I figured out how to do it. Whatever it might be. I figured out how to record this video. A while back I figured out how to put it in a format that I can upload. I figured out a lot of stuff and I did most of it on my own and frankly, I'm proud of myself. You need to take the same approach when you successfully complete a task. And it doesn't matter how big or small, it really doesn't. Just take a moment and celebrate it. When you lay your head down at night and you think about the day, sometimes that's the only chance you get to really think about it and celebrate how you did. You got a win and you're lying there in bed and you think, you know what? that was good. You know, you can take a moment then to think about what you did. When you take a moment to feel good about what you did it helps build the momentum. It helps build the action. The next day, you are just that much more enthusiastic. Hey, I had a win yesterday, I'm going to have a win today. So, please remember go ahead and celebrate the wins.

I hope you got some take aways from this video? I hope you apply some of the things if not all of the things that I've said here to help you reach your level of success. So what I want you to do now is to, watch the video or audio again and maybe take down some notes and how you can apply it in your life. remember everything here you need to adapt to you and your situation. I don't know you, I don't know your situation. I just know that everything I've said here will be helpful if you go ahead and apply it.

Now I want you to go out there Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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