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How To Have A Successful New Years Resolution

Dec 31, 2018

How To Have A Successful New Year's Resolution
A new year’s resolution is a promise that you make to yourself or others that you will keep beginning in the new year. Why is it that far too often we don’t keep these promises? How can you do better at keeping this resolution?

If you want to learn How To Have A Successful New Year’s Resolution, click on the link and watch this video I made for you.


Often the resolution is made at the last minute and really didn’t have any thought behind it. It was just a mild thought that I should really stop this or start that but the intention isn’t really there. For any life’s change to stick you need to really want it, desire it.

Also we often think we aren’t as strong as we really are. No matter what you are trying to do, take comfort in the knowledge that someone somewhere similar to you has achieved their success in the same area that you are pursuing. If that person can do it then so can you. You are far more powerful than you think. Challenge yourself, you might just surprise you.

Make the resolution bigger than yourself. Decide the reasons that you must succeed. Who are you doing this for? Is it to improve your health? Why do you want to be healthier? For your children? Your loved one? Often when the reason is bigger than just you it helps. We often do more for others than we do for ourselves.

It’s ok to fail along the way. Habits take a while to develop. Be kind to yourself. In this case, plan to fail by knowing how you will react and get back on the correct path right away. It’s the reaction to failing that chokes you. Just because you slipped doesn’t mean you have to go completely backwards. It just means you need to take another running start at it again and again as necessary.

If appropriate, learn as much as you can about this new habit. If you are kicking a bad habit learn as much as you can about the negative impacts if you continue. If starting a new healthy habit, learn more and more about it. It keeps you enthusiastic. This helps leads you to having a successful resolution.

When I began to exercise, I wanted to learn all I could. I read everything I could get my hands on. These days I watch videos and continue to learn. When I stopped learning I lost interest and started skipping workouts.

Joining a group can really help. I like to row on my Concept 2 row machine. Years ago I learned that C2 gave free prizes when I hit certain milestones. I then learned about the forum. I joined a team of really great people and they are very fun and supportive. I’ve made some good friends  from this group too.

Go out there and really crush it.

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