Winegarden Music Is Coming

How To Increase Your Energy

Jan 07, 2019

The amount of energy you have dictates how you live your life. It’s vital in everything that you do. If you have low to no energy, you don’t get things done and you have no zest for life. When you have high energy, you can win the day with some left over for your family.


How To Increase Your Energy


A year ago right now I had nearly zero energy. I felt like I was dead behind my eyes and I only wanted to read a book on the couch. Here are some of the actions I took and now I hardly ever get tired during the day.

Make your environment as nice as you can. Cleanliness is next to happiness and you feel so much better. Just add some color. A lady I knew had these colorful pillows on either end of the couch. Being Blind I thought they were a bother. She explained how the extra color in the room made it feel so much warmer. You can simply start by organizing your work station.

Mind is impacted more than you realize from not enough sleep. Get that magical 7 to 8 hours every night. When you don’t have enough sleep, mentally it’s like you are intoxicated. With all changes getting more sleep includes establishing a bedtime and wake up time. It takes a while to fall in to this new routine but it will happen. It took years to establish your current sleep pattern. Allow yourself some time to establish a better one.

Food and exercise. You must move your body and eat as much of a green based diet as possible. Eliminate all flour, sugar and even dairy. Sprouting is the healthiest cheapest way to eat high energy living food. Start your day with two glasses of water. You get dehydrated during the night. No coffee and tea doesn’t count.

When the music plays, you have to dance. Move your body. Make a routine that involves stretching and moving. Yoga or any form of stretching. I lay on a roller which helps my upper back a lot. It’s called muscle smashing. Other tools I have include a peanut ball and a hard ball about the size of a soft ball but is very hard rubber. Yes, it does hurt but it is so good for me.
When I don’t stretch my legs I can feel the difference. I don’t walk with ease. I feel like a robot and if I skip enough days I feel pain. Start small. Look up stretching exercises online and start incorporating those daily.

Having a mission, goal, or dream to work towards makes all the difference. When you start taking those action steps to reach your highest level of success, you have some wins. Action steps leads to wins which leads to more wins and this builds momentum which leads to success. A mission drives you and that my friend is how to increase your energy.


Watch the video I recorded for you here.

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