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How To Increase Your Self Esteem

Nov 05, 2018

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How To Increase Your Self-Esteem
1. Having low self-esteem impacts every aspect of your life.
Even having "normal" self-esteem isn't enough. It's not about being so outgoing that you are over the top. It's primarily about being comfortable in your skin. It's about removing the self-doubts we have from things we were told. About proving ourselves for the wrong reasons. About being self-satisfied.

2. Low self-esteem shows up in many different ways.
It can be in hiding in your turtle shell all the way to being very famous. It can be in the extra fat your carrying around and even in huge wealth. It makes you completely quiet to being the loudest most miserable person. It can freeze you to never reach for a dream to really having almost everything you want. In all cases you are not comfortable in your skin. You never have that feeling of being relaxed, fulfilled and blissful.

3. We are not born with low self-esteem.
We learn it. This begins in our homes and our schools. Somewhere we are told we aren't good enough. We suck at something. Someone else is better than we are. We then take this as being truth. We then build our lives around this truth. Some of us then never try to become the person we could or some reach a high level of success and never truly enjoy what we have.

4. Your mind doesn't know what's true and what's not.
They've connected athletes to a machine that tracks muscle response. They asked these people to visualize running. The machine measured the responses in the muscles to be the same as if they were actually running.

The point of this is to help you see that you can control your mind. You can take the helm and guide your thoughts to get you beyond all the negative information and totally flip it to the positive. The bottom line here is for some reason you don't feel that you are worthy, valuable or the words we'll use is, ENOUGH.

5. How to increase your self-esteem.
The solution is incredibly powerful and yet so simple. Here's what you are going to do. Saying over and over, I Am Enough! That's it that's all. I Am Enough! If some doubt pops in to your mind drown it out with I Am Enough! Say it or think it with intensity.

6. Write it down where you can see it.
On your bathroom mirror.
Add this to an alert on your devices.
On your computer screen saver.
Take a small rock or something you can put in your pocket and whenever you touch it say I Am Enough! ten times.
Saying I' Am Enough over and over in the shower.

7. Add in gratitude.
To increase the power follow it up with some things you really do love about yourself.

8. Do this for one month.
Please follow this simple powerful advice for one month. If you do, you will notice differences in your whole being.


Hey It's Michael Edward creator of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks In 4 Weeks. Which is a course that teaches you how to identify and remove those mental blocks that's stopping you from reaching your level of success.

Today I want to talk about How to increase your self-esteem. Big subject. Huge impact on your life. And, I'm going to teach you the best method that I know of to increase your self-esteem. Let's dive right in.

Point number 1. Self-esteem impacts you in almost everything in life. What I'm saying here is that even normal Quote Normal self-esteem is not enough. You need high self-esteem. You really need to drive it up there in order to, as always, reach your level of success. If you've watched any of my videos, you know that this is what I'm all about, is, helping you reach your high level of success. Not just getting by. We don't do that. We want to reach a high level of success in whatever that means to you. Just having normal self-esteem is not enough much less having low self-esteem. Bottom line is, it's all about being comfortable in your skin. We're going to go over a bunch more points here and you'll see what I mean, just hang in with me.

Point number 2. It shows up in many ways. Low self-esteem shows up in many ways.
It can be somebody who is hiding in their shell. Their very quiet, their timid they won't try anything new, they are afraid to even dream much less try to reach their level of success. All the way to somebody who has reached their level of success, they are at the pinnacle of their career and they are so miserable and they are so cranky. Do celebrities pop in to mind here by any chance? And they're just so unsatisfied. Ok? It pops up in many ways in many people. And here's a tip. When you're watching this video, you may think of people that you know and think, oh yeah, that reminds me of so and so. Then watch it again and apply it to yourself. Because that's what we're after here is how to increase your self-esteem not theirs. 

Number 3. We are not born with low self-esteem.
It's a learn behavior. It's something we picked up along the way. It could be from your parents, I don't know how you were raised but it could be. It could be in grade school. You know, you didn't do something just right and the teacher got exasperated and basically said, you're no good. In some form or other. It could be anyone along the way and it could be multiple things along the way that you were told this and you took it to heart.  You were told that and you took that also to heart. etc. You know what I'm saying? It's a learned behavior. And the beauty about a learned behavior is you can unlearn it. You can change that thought. You can raise your self-esteem. It's not that hard and we'll get to that in point 5.

Now, number 4 is interesting. Number 4 is your brain, your mind does not know the difference between what's true and what's false. It does not know the difference to what's true and what's false. Now this is magical and something that you really need to understand because it helps you know that you can change anything in your life. In this case we're talking about how to increase your self-esteem.
One example, many years ago I read a book. about where they connected athletes up to measure the electric responses in their muscles. They were runners. They had them remaining still and they said, I want you to visualize running on the track. and their muscles started to spark like they were running. Their muscles were actually responding. That means that what you tell your brain, your body does not know the difference. In other words you can lie to your brain. I know, you are saying, I'm supposed to lie? Yeah! Lie to your brain! Lie your head off! It's fun. Anyway, you can lie to your brain and your brain will believe it. In fact, when you think about it a lot of stuff that you've been told that reduce your self-esteem were lies anyway. Now that study was pretty cool.
Another study that talked about 3 groups of people who were shooting hoops right? Basketball, shoot a ball in a net. They all lined up and they all took their shots and they wrote down .. you know group A did this many, group B did that many etc. And then they gave each of the 3 groups instructions. Group A go home, don't do a thing. Group B, want to see you here all the time and you are going to practice with us for the next couple of weeks. Group C I want you to go home and I want you to visualize making hoops. Making those baskets. Feel the ball in your hand, throw it up in the air, watch it going in the net. Really visualize it. At the end of the test, they brought them all back. Group A had the same numbers. No big surprise there, they didn't do anything. Group B, they improved. Sure they did, they practiced. They were there and they were literally throwing the ball. No big surprise there. What was the big surprise was group C, who were just told to visualize improved almost as much as group B who practiced on the court. Phenomenal study Phenomenal. I think that's really really amazing because it teaches us the power of our mind and brain.
Again, you can lie to yourself in a great way and make it work out for you. Nothing wrong with that.
When I was in my thirties or so I used to ice skate. A friend of mine was a member of the Lions Club and the Lions Club rented ice time for us every Sunday and we could go and skate. Dennis is my buddy's name. Dennis is a great guy. He and I would skate some of the time and he learned how to skate later on in life, he took lessons. I always knew how to skate. I mean I wasn't a figure skater or anything like that but I can skate forwards and I can stop and all that stuff. Just something I grew up on. Dennis every week he'd take me to the center of the ice and he would show me something. Teach me some new technique. And then I'd come back next Sunday and he'd say ok, let's try that technique again. He said something very interesting to me. He said, do you practice in your sleep? And I said, what do you mean? Well he said, you just did it perfectly and last week you couldn't do it at all. As I was reading different books over the decades, about all this type of stuff, I came across that study about the basketball and about the runners electronic responses to the muscles. And, it came back to me what Dennis said. He said, do you practice in your sleep. Well, I did practice in my mind not necessarily in my sleep. But I did practice what he told me that evening when I got back home. I would sit there and I'd say ok, this is what he wanted me to do today, this is how it felt  and so on and I did. I visualized it. And then next week when I went out it was like I had been practicing it. So yeah, it's real. It is absolutely real. You can switch what is supposedly true to a false or make something that is not quite true absolutely true. That's really really valuable. You want to know that.
Now I'm going to take you through an exercise Oh, hang on a second. What I'm going to do right now is just in case the background music disturbs you during this exercise, I'm just going to wave my hand and cut the music. Yeah, I know. That was pretty cool wasn't it? I mean hey, Fonzie you got nothing on me baby.
Alright, now what I want you to do to ... If you done this exercise before, I want you to do it again. if you've never done this exercise, please do it with me. I want you to close your eyes. Picture holding a lemon in your hand. You just got that lemon out of the fridge. can you feel how cool it is in your hand? Take it up to your nose and smell it. Can you smell that lemony scent? Squeeze it a little bit. Small it. feel the rough texture of the skin. Now I want you to open your mouth and bite the lemon. Can you feel that tartness? Scrunching up your face. You got a pucker on your puss. What's happening to your mouth right now? It's filling up with water isn't it?
Ok, let's bring back the music. If you did this exercise and you mouth got very heavy with saliva, as if you bit in to a very sour lemon a very tart lemon. Then, you are very good at visualization but you also see what I'm saying. There is no lemon in your hand.
There was no lemon in your mouth but yet your body reacted as if there were. Very useful information to have.

Now number 5. is where we're going to start to bring it in.
Number 5 is How do you increase your self-esteem?
The solution is so simple. It is so basic that you're not going to believe it. In fact, you are probably going to doubt me. Don't doubt me, go with it. I'm here to help you. Allow me to help you. Repeat after me. I am enough. I am enough. Now say it with me, 1, 2, 3, I am enough. I am enough. You are enough trust me you are. Whatever you were told that made you feel like you were not enough was not true. You are beautiful. You are enough. And that is right there the secret, that is right there  ... I don't even like to use the word secret because it's just another skill that you're going to practice. Is, I am enough. That is the whole thing right there. I am enough. You say that over and over and over and you work on that. You say it with intensity. You say it with meaning. I am enough. Get some passion in there. Get some enthusiasm in there. whether you are saying it in your mind you can scream it in your mind. Whether you are saying it out loud, you can say it with passion. That will help you tremendously. I mean  it. It will definitely change your life.

Number 6 Write It Down.
I want you to write it down everywhere. Anywhere. Write it on your bathroom mirror. I want you to set up alerts on your devices that pop up and say I Am Enough and say it with your phone. I want you to write it down anywhere that you can see it. And, also setup a trigger it could be with a little rock that you find on the street. Every time you touch that rock in your pocket you say ten times, I Am Enough, I Am Enough, you know? And, you can setup a key trigger. I will do a video on triggers for you by the way, it's a very valuable tool that you also want to learn. Anyway, setup a key trigger that every time you grab your keys, you say, I Am Enough. Every time you lock the door and you got your keys in your hand you say, I Am Enough. Every time you put the key in the ignition to start the car, I Am Enough. So, every time you touch your keys. You can do it every time you go to the bathroom. The whole time you're in the bathroom. You can do it while you are in the shower. You can do it every time you touch a door knob. Whatever it is that works in your life, that's what you want to do. But, you need to have some sort of trigger or reminder to make sure, because you will forget. I mean that's just human nature. If we don't have a reminder, we will forget until we develop it as a habit. Primarily that's what I teach, a lot of habits. If you look at my other, I don't know, 14 videos? Something like that, a bunch of videos anyway. It's all about teaching habits for you to be able to reach your level of success.

Number 7 We are going to increase the power, voltage of the I Am Enough by also increasing, you don't have to do this every time but you definitely want to practice this by practicing gratitude. A form of gratitude. I want you to think about 3, 5 or 6 things that you love about yourself. Could be the color of your eyes, could be how your smile lights up your face, it could be the texture of your hair, it could be how you fill out your jeans. Hey, let me tell yeah, I know I have a great butt because mommy told me so. And mommy wouldn't lie right? Tooth fairy, Santa Clause, Easter Bunny ... Anyway,, pretty sure I got a pretty cool butt so I like that. Now, it can be anything, all kidding aside it can be anything about you that you love. I love about myself that I have such a high level of client service. I do the absolute best that I can for my clients. I've always had that drive in me and it's something that I am proud of. In every job that I've ever done I've always tried to do the best I can for my clients. So, high level of clients service is something that I really do love about me. So, I Am Enough, I have a high level of client service. You know? Just pick a few and, I Am Enough and I love the color of my eyes. I am enough. And what it's doing is helping reinforce that you are enough by telling yourself things that you love about yourself. Alright? Pretty simple but very powerful. Bring that in to play.

Number 8 is please, I am going to beg you, Do this for 30 days.
Try it for 30 days. Do whatever you have to do to set reminders and stuff just for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, you tell me what kind of changes you've experienced in your life. And I know they'll me dramatic and I know there'll be many. Alright? Many, Many Man. Now, all I'm asking is that you as often as you can tell yourself you are enough. Because we need to undo the damage that has been done in order for you to be happy, to be fulfilled in whatever it is that you are doing in whatever level you are at right now. We need to feel that level of joy, love, self-love, and certainly to have a high level of self-esteem. Alright?

I am Michael Edward, thrilled to be here with you.
I want you to go out there every day, I want you to Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.


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