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How To Meditate For Success

Oct 22, 2018

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How To Meditate For Success
There is a common belief that meditation is difficult and falls under the woohoo category. Not very surprising since I had this belief myself. When someone talked about meditation I pictured sitting in some way that would hurt me and I had to make some unusual noises. I’m not saying this is a bad thing just not my thing.

Many years ago I started playing with some guided meditations. I found I could really feel the flow of energy. I could feel my body tingling and it was very cool. I was well in to my studies on energy and learning that it flows from and to everyone and everything. Ok, if this is true then how do I consciously tap in to that energy? The answer came in meditation.

I used to call it visualization and I had some Visualization Exercises I did back then. This was a form of meditation. It was nothing more or nothing less. So, let’s call it what it is. Yes my friend, it’s meditation.

In this video I talk about two completely different forms of meditation. The  Release Technique from Brendon Burchard and the Six Phase Meditation from Vishen Lakhiani. They are both excellent and have different purposes. They all share many of the same results. Many studies show that those who meditate are more clear minded, tend to be happier and even sleep more restfully.

Brendon’s Release Technique is great for cleaning the brain. Just like we clean our body and brush our teeth, we must clean our brain in order to think clearly which allows you to function at a higher level. In this world of so much information coming at us from many different methods your minds gets clogged up. In order to clear your mind, you need to declutter your brain.

Vishen’s Six Phase Meditation takes you through various aspects to help get you in touch with the energy flowing around us and is vital for reaching your level of success. Yes, this is more complicated and is best if you give it some thought before following the process, however, the results you will get is amazing.

If my back were put to the wall and I was forced to have to say which of these two methods I would choose? I’d respond with what is your primary reason for meditating? If you have a dream or a goal you want to reach then the Six Phase is designed for that. If you want to keep your brain clear and eliminate stresses the Release technique is for you. However, me personally? I use both.

How does this relate to your success? I have stated many times that you do not have to be the smartest kid in class to reach a high level of success. However, you do need to be able to think clearly and be open to ideas. This can’t be achieved when your brain feels foggy and you aren’t able to think at the higher level.

How To Meditate For Success Transcript

Today let's talk about meditation for success or How To Meditate For Success.
I know there's a lot of misconceptions out there about what meditation is and often times when we think about what meditation is, we think about, you know the munk. We think about unusual positions that we need to hold our body in. We think about making noises and all these things that make you feel like meditation is a woohoo thing. It's not. It's really not a woohoo thing. It is very very real too many studies show multiple benefits to medtiation and you really need to bring this in as a daily practice in your life. Alright?
It's going to help you. We are going to go through how to meditate for success but it's also going to help, lower your bloodpresure, lower your heart rate, clense your mind. This is a really big one. You have the foggy head type thing. If you're feeling like you are tired all the time, like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Meditation will help you eliminate or significantly reduce all of those symptems. There's so much to say about meditation I just don't even want to go down all of the benefits but those benefits alone, just to clear you mind alone is significant. All of the other benefits you will experiance over time if you proceed with this practice.

Today I'm going to cover two types of meditation. I'm going to cover the Release Meditation and I'm going to cover the Six Phase Meditation.
Now the Release Meditation is very simple. Anybody can do this pretty much anywhere. The benefits of this one, let's face it, we take time to clean our body, we brush our teeth and we do all these things but you also need to cleanse the mind. And this meditation is beautiful for that. And, it's so simple. I learned this one from one of my mentors Brendon Burchard, I had the opertunity to meet him a while back now. What a magnificent person he is. Absolutely beautiful person he is. I know he does this meditation daily. You can do this in 10 to 20 minutes, suggest 20 minutes. And all you do is, just get comfortable, close your eyes and just slowly say either release or relax. He uses release sometimes I use relax. It just brings me in to more of a state of relaxation for me. Either way it'll be beneficial to you. So, all you do is just close your eyes, relax, take a couple of deep breaths, in your nose and out you mouth. Your tipical meditation breathing and just slow it down, and say, release ... release ... release. And if something comes in to your mind just gently push it aside and just say release. Or as I say, relax, either way. Just slowly. Set a little timer, 20 minutes, that's all you need. 10 minutes is even beneficial, and you can do this every day. Now as I said, this is wonderful for cleaning your brain. It's like taking a brush and scrubbing your brain. Very very beneficial.
The next method I learn primarily from Vishen Lakhiani. He is, again, he is a brilliant man, a very gentle man. I find him to be very helpful in my life in a number of ways. I've invested in some of his programs and I think he's great. Anyway, this is called the Six Phase Meditation. There are 6 phaws and I'll quick go through them and then I'll break them down after.
The first pase is compassion, the second phase is gratitude, the third phase is Forgiveness, the fourth phase is your future self, the fifth phase is the perfect day and the sixth phase is getting in touch with your higher power or a blessing from your higher power.

Obviously this one is more complicated. Obviously this one has a lot more to it then the first one I just discussed. But, this is more for reaching your level of success. This one takes you through the processes that you need to go through in order to lay thr ground work for you to reach your level of succes. Beautiful meditation. And again, you can do thisone, I'd start at the beginning at 20 minutes until you get very comfortable with the phases and once you start to get comfortable with the phases then you can reduce the amount of time. But don't rush it. Because if you rush it you're not going through the phases and you're not doing the work. Now, before I get in to how to do these phases and what they all mean, a question that's often asked is, is it better to meditate in the evening or in the morning? I say it's better to meditate when you have the time. So, if your mornings are blown You're rushing, you don't have time, then you are not going to give it the attention it deserves. I like to mediate in the morning. The morning helps set me up for that day. However, if you like to meditate in the evenings, nothing wrong with that. and as you go through  these phases you're going to find that, like in phase 5, the perfect day, then you are going to be picturing tomorrow. If you do it in the morning, then you are going to be picturing today. That's really the only difference. Other than that, you pick the time that works for you. Another thing I want to say about meditation, no matter what kind of mediation you do is try and find a quiet place where you are not going to be disturbed, you must turn off your phone, you must give yourself those 20 minutes to do the work. Uninterupted, no kids coming in yelling and screaming, all that stuff. You want to really feel the effects of the meditation.
Alright, the Six Phaes. Let's take them one by one, I hope you ahve a pen and paper handy. If not, pause this and go and grab your pen and paper or some form of note taking because there's going to be too much here for you to remember.

Phase 1 is Compassion.
We need to feel more love and more compassion. I think in today's world we don't feel that enough. And, what you're going to do is you're going start by taking a few deep breaths, this is the beginning of the meditation so just get in to that mode of relaxing. Just take 5 or 6 deep breaths. Nothing major, a couple of minutes if that. And now I want you to picture a white light. I could eminate from your heart, it could eminate from your head and it shrouds you. It's like you're in a bubble of this white or gold energy, this light. As you are doing this, I want you to feel the feeling of love and compassion and you are going to connect with all the energy around you. So, you're going to expand that bubble to incorporate the room that you are in. Then you are going to expand that bubble further to incompus the house that you are in, the home that you are in. and now you are going to expand it further to hyour neightborhood, to your comunity, ultimately your country and the world. Everything is made of energy whether you believe that or not, it doesn't matter, change your belief because it's just so true. And, everything is made of energy, when you creeate this bubble around you and you start expanding it and expanding it then it becomes connecting. It's connecting you to all  the energy, plants, animals, people and minds. I know that sounds a little woohoo but just go with it. Just trust me and go with it. Ok?

Phase 2. is Gratitude
I alwys teach that we should have gratitude for everything all the time anyway. I talk about my happy feet and so on in another video and I talk about, You know, be greatfull for the tooth brush as you brush your teeth, be grateful for the hot water when you're having a shower. Be grateful for the shampoo and so on. You cannot put enough of a feeling of gratitude out there. Now in this phase, what you want to do is focus on 3 levels of gratitude. You want to focus on some things that you can be grateful in the last day or two. A bunch of thing really and it could be simple stuff. Could be a hot drink, it could be a lugh that you had, it could be time spent with a freind, just anything that you can be grateful for in the last day or so.
The next level is self love. We do not do enough self love. And this will allow you to focus on 3 to 5 things that you love about yourself. Sense of humour, pretty eyes, your willingness to help. Anything about yourself that you think is a wonderful thing. Doesn't matter what other people think just what you think is a wonderful thing.
And the third section that you want to focus on here in gratitude is your career. Now remember this is how to meditate for success. So you definately want to add your career in here. Anytying that you did recently in the last day or two. You know, you really helped a client above and beyond, or, hyou're very proud of a report that you wrote, an article, anything at all. Depending on what your career goals are and what your career is. But, anything in your career that you can be proud of. You want to focus on that and be so grateful. You know, I'm so grateful that I'm able to make this video today. That i can help people how to meditate. I can help people improve their lives. So, that's something that I would be grateful for and I am grateful for, all the time.

Phase 3. is, Forgiveness
Now forgiveness is necessary becuase if we hold grudges and we hold these negative energies inside of us it does all kinds of bad things. It makes us ill. Anger can make you ill. Stress can make you ill. We know stress can make you ill even doctors will tell you, you need stress releaf. This is a great way to releave your stress. Now, start small. I warn you to start small. This is a skill like everything else. You need to work up to it. Think of somebody that kind of ticked you off, it could be anyhthing, somebody cut you off or somebody was rude. it could be anything minor and then work your way up to the bigger ones. When you get the idea down and the feelings down. Work your way up to the bigger ones. The ones that really wronged you. The ones that you don't even want to forgive them, you want to hang on to that grudge. You want to hang on to the hatred. That's the ones you really need to get rid of, obviously. You do not want to hang on to that. so, here's what you want to do. You picture the person in front of you some feet away, not right up against you but some feet away, maybe 6 10 feet away. and you say, I forgive you. Say that over and over until you can feel it coming from you this forgiveness and then, and then no matter what, ask for their forgiveness. Say, I ask you to forgive me. I know, someone did something wrong asking them to forgive you sounds a little out there, I realize that but just ry it. And when you ask them to gorgive you, feel the beam of energy coming from that picture of them in front of you, alright, you see them in front of you, picture that coming straight in to your heart and allow it to heal you. Now this may take a few sessions or you may conk it in one. I don't know. But, stick with it. It is so vital to your success and your overal health that you need to do this.

Phase 4, is fun. It's this is a chance to look at your future self.
How do you want to be? Who do you want to be? How much money do you wan t to have? What kind of car do you drive? Where do you live? What is your career? What are your successes up to that point? And, what was the result of those successes? So, you want to think of yourself, say, in 3 years from now. We can do alot in 3 years. People don't realize that but yes, we can make mountains move in 3 years. We can do a tramendous amount of growth in 3 years. Now, here's the trick. In this level of meditation is to bring in the touch, the taste where applicable, the emotion, the visual aspect, the audio aspect, bring in all the senses. So that you're not just watching a picture of it, you're actually going through and doing it. So, for example, if you want a fantasic house, picture yourself in that house. You're walking up to the door. You're going in to your house, you're looking at the rooms, they way you want them and you're touching stuff, right? You can feel the door knob in your hand as you turn it. You can smaell the smells of the new leather furnature if that's what you're in to. You can hear the sound of a phenominal stereo system if that's what your tastes take you to. The wonderful meals that you can have there. Are they prepared by you, a loved one, maybe a chef? I don't know what your goals are but that's the level you want to take it down to. Where you want to be with it. And the reason you want to be with it is because your mind doesn't not know the difference between reality and dreaming. And we know that. That's been proven time and time again. Sometime I'll take you through some exercises on that but right now, just trust me on this, that you mind does not know the difference. So, the more time that you spend with your future self, there's a lot of things that go in to play there that help you become that future self. So you definately want to spend a few inutes in this area every in Phase 4. You want to spend a few minutes and really get in touch with what it is that you want.

Phase 5. is The Perfect Day.
What would be the perfect day for you? This is what I was touching on earlier. If you do the meditation first thing in the morning, then you want to picture that day. This is not future stuff this is today. And, if you do the meditation in the evening, then you want to picture tomorrow. What would be a perfect day today? What would be a perfect day tomorrow? So, this could be if you're going to work today this could be, I have such an easy day at work. Everything just flowed and it was so good and I felt so wonderful, everything just naturally happened to benefit me and my clients and so forth. At lunch time I had lunch with my friends and we had so much fun we were laughing, we were having a great time and before we knew it we were back to work again. HNighly productive, great day, great afternoon. Then after work I went out with some friends for supper or I went home with my loved ones and we had fun. We had a great meal Etc. Etc. So, picture your day, you fill in the blanks and make it quite vivid Spend a few minutes in this area and make it as vivid as you can. Again, touch on all the senses as you're going through your day. Hour by hour just ngo through the different chunks of that day and feel it. Feel the feelings, see the sights, taste the tastes Etc. Alright?

Phase 6. The last phase is, getting in touch with your higher power or recieving a blessing from your higher power.
It's the same thing really. If you don't believe in a higher power then just use your future self. Allow your future self to send back the energy. Now I know, again we are getting in to the woohoo stuff a little bit but just ride with me here. You can have a higher power without a religion. If you do have a religion then by all means, use your god or whatever it is you refer to. And, if you don't have a spicific religion your higher power could be just simply the Quantum Universe which is comprised of energy. Which we all are comprised of energy. Your higher power can be anything you want to make it. You can put whatever name to it you want to put to it. It really doesn't matter. But here's how it works. You want to picture energy coming from above, coming in to your head and you want to feel that energy melting in to you, going down your whole body. Feel the warmpth of it and you want to feel the blessing. In this process a lot of things are going to come to you. You may get an answer to a problem. You may get clearity on what you next step is. And, you may just get a nice warm funny feeling from it. I don't know. Depends on where you're at and depends on your belief level and so on. It's a really wonderful experiance. I highly suggest you go to phase 6 and request the blessing.

Now here is a level of Instructions.
I already told you in the first meditation that you do it for 10 to 20 minutes. I suggest 20 minutes. The Six Pase again, 20 minutes in the beginning and then you can start to bring down time if you want to. I do 20 minutes. I have not gotten to the level where I feel comfortable in hurrying it along. But, I know I will get there with more practice and so forth.
You can do a search for Brendon Burchard on YouTube and find his meditation. You can do a search for Vishen Lakhiani I think on YouTube and find his Six Phase Meditation and you can follow along. Personally I find it a little distracting to listen to people yammer in my head as I'm doing a meditation because it takes away my focus. You may find a guided meditation like that highly useful.
Nother thing you can do is right it out, record it and have a clock in front of you. So you can give yourself the amount of blank space that you fill in your mind as you're doing the meditation. So, for example I might softly say,
Deep breathing. take in a breath in your nose ... out your mouth ... four times
and then
In phase 1 we're going to talk about compassion. Let's feel compassion Let's picture that white light incompusing our body. Now let's expand that white light to incompus the room. Now let's expand it further. Etc.
You can do your own recording. and then when you expanded the bubble around earth, you could say now just stop and feel everything. Feel the plants, feel the animals. Feel the energy around you. And then you can put in your own pause for as long as you want to stay in that zone. and you go on to phase 2 and you do the same thing.
Now you need to write down, especially in the gratitude in Phase 2 and in forgiveness. Who am I going to figive in this session? You need to know this stuff before you start. So you're not scrabbling around trying to find out what it is you want to work on as the meditation time is going through. A little prep work on all six phases will help you significan'tly reach a higher level of success at meditation sooner rather then later.
Couple of other benefits I want talk about meditation for success is, if you make this a daily practice and you do so for a few weeks or substantially less you will feel a difference. If you don't feel a difference people around you will notice a difference. I've heard stories about this where somebody decided that, I've been meditating for X number of months it's not doing anything for me, I'm going to stop now. Then they started to become surly like they used to be. They started to become more tense like they used to be. And they didn't realize just how many benefits they were getting from meditation because they are so accustomed to feeling at this higher level. Allow yourself the opertunity to get to that point where you are feeling at a higher level. Where you have more clarity. Where things come to you. Ideas come to you. You problem solve so much more easily then you used to. You have more joy in your life. You feel more satisfied in your life. You sleep better, alright? You want to get to that point where you're feeling all this wonderful chages. I can't tell you enough. That we have to invorporate this in to our daily lives. It's ranked right up there with brushing your teeth man, brush that brain!

I want you to go out there every day and Enjoy, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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