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How To Persist In The Face Of Hardship

Nov 26, 2018

Watch How To Persist In The Face Of Hardship Video Heree


In my advanced course I call this Ship Wreck Island. As we navigate the river of life, we will hit rapids storms and even droughts. We then find ourselves washed up on Ship Wreck Island. It’s a place you will visit but you don’t want to live there. The best thing about this Island is that you’ve been there before and you know there’s a way off. As long as you are still breathing there’s hope. As long as there’s hope you can succeed.

Persisting in the face of hardship can be challenging. It can even stop you from reaching your level of success. Life can put you off your game but it doesn’t have to keep you off your game for long. Here are some techniques you can use to Persist In The Face Of Hardship.

1. “I have a dream” Martin Luther King Jr.
Do you have a dream? A dream will help you push through the difficult times to keep you moving forward. To dream is to succeed. The dream is the first step in success. It gives you direction, it keeps your hopes up and reminds you that there is a reason to fight and win. Figure out just what it is you want. Make it big and exciting. Reach beyond the stars. The more it excites you the more you will dream about it and keep it in your active mind.

2. Build The Necessity
Why must you reach that dream? Who are you fighting for? Feel the need and succeed. Is your need to succeed for your child? A loved one? For a cause? Remind yourself of this often and particularly when you are going through a tough time. When you fight for someone else you tend to do more for that person than you will just for yourself.

3. Use Your Calendar
Make due dates vital on the calendar. If it's not on the calendar it's not real. It doesn’t matter what kind of calendar you use. Technology is fine but so is the old paper one on the wall. If you looked at your calendar right now is it full of appointments for others? Is there anything on there about you? Book time to take the actions necessary to reach your level of success. Make those times deadlines that you must have something done by that date. Make no excuses.

4. Write In Your Journal
Not only does writing in a journal help you with your thought processes but it also is a great tool to make sure you are moving forward. It helps make you accountable. The written word keeps your memory honest. It also gives you the ability to look back over the previous pages to see if you are actually making progress or not.

If you only apply any of the 2 points above, you will be able to push through the hard times faster and reach your level of success sooner. Apply all 4 and you will be a star!


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