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How To Recognize And Change Nonsensical Rules

Nov 19, 2018

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Nonsensical rules are rules that we have learned and believe as if they are truths. They can block you from reaching your high level of success. You can review your beliefs and decide for yourself if they are Non-Rules or good beneficial productive rules or beliefs that serve you to become a better you.

Absolute truths.
These are truths that apply to everyone. There are very few absolute truths. We must have food, water, air and shelter. Other good rules could include: treating others with decency, respecting others choices, supporting those around us, and simply treating all others the way we want to be treated. Still more could also include: reaching a high level of success and having dreams or goals to achieve.

Relative truths
These truths are highly subjective and this is where the Nonsensical Rules come in to play. We often think of something as being a truth when it is not. They are just rules that we were raised to believe and can harm our self-esteem and hold us back in reaching our success.

Three areas to consider

1. Social Beliefs
These are the beliefs we have learned from our family, friends and those close at hand. They can also cross over with the next two beliefs depending on where you live and how integrated it is. Mom may have told you to drink your milk because it is good for you. Yet many studies today show that animal milk is only good for the animal's baby. Dad may have told you that you have to work hard and for long hours to be successful. This is a Nonsensical Rule. You can't amount to anything without a university degree.

2. Cultural Beliefs
Online we can learn about various cultures that date back hundreds of years. Imagine bringing a tribesman to your home and showing them all the devices we have and how that would challenge his beliefs and Non-Rules. I'm not suggesting you must discard your culture completely or even at all. I am suggesting that you must think about the restrictions those cultural beliefs may be placing on you and how they impact the way you think and act and if they're serving you or not.

3. Religious Beliefs.
Religion is riddled with many rules that like with all rules can be very outdated and harmful to you. Some are probably Non-Rules and things you may want to challenge in your own mind.
I am not hear to dictate what is right or wrong for you. I believe in a higher power but I don't share my beliefs in any level of detail. I am here to help you reach your higher level of success and in that role I must encourage you to have an open mind. With that open mind to decide what rules you will follow and which are Non-Rules that you discard and replace with rules that best serves you.

Read The Transcript

Hey let's talk a little bit today about How To Recognize And Change Nonsensical Rules.

I had a client, I'm going to call him Sam because I'm going to start calling all my male clients Sam. Confidentiality is a big part of what I do so obviously I'm not going to throw around real names. But this guy came to me and he had already gone through a lot of life changes. He beat an addiction and all kinds of stuff before he came to me. I was very proud of him. He's a great guy. He came to me because he just wasn't reaching his level of success and one of the big things on his plate at the time was to earn more money. He needed a better income to what he had. We talked about it, you know, going through the course of information that I teach and so on and here's what came to light. He had two sets of grandparents. Sam had one set of grandparents who were quite well educated, reasonably well off, and he had a second set of grandparents who were the other end of the spectrum, more blue collar, didn't have a lot of money and he was getting mixed messages from  his grandparents. The wealthier grandparents said, you know what Sam, you can be anything you want, anything you want. You can learn lots of money. You can become highly educated. You can do anything you want. And the other grandparents who were great people by the way. I don't want to really knock them here but getting to the point, their message was. Rich people are bad people. The boss at work drives this fancy car he does need to such an expensive car . Why would you need such an expensive car. He's got a big house, why would you need all that. And that kind of an attitude. He got these two rules built in to him over years of listening to this directly or indirectly through actions and so forth. That really kind of messed up his head. He wanted to go out and make more money. On one hand that's a good thing, on the other hand it's really bad. I'm not going to be a good person. If I do want to buy a bit of a nicer car then I'm just showing off. If I do want to get a nicer home well, why would I want that? That just makes me a bad person because rich people are bad people, Etc. So I think you get the idea for what Sam was dealing with.

Now I'm going to break it down for you a little bit.
Basically there are two truths that we live by.
One is absolute truth and the other is relative truth.

In  the absolute truth, these are things that are absolutely true for absolutely everybody in pretty much absolutely all of the time. That's why they're absolute truths. Water, food, we need those, shelter, we need clothing at least most of the time. We have those primary needs. If we don't have those needs we aren't going to be here so ... we're done. So, obviously those are absolute truths. other absolute truths maybe things like, treat other people well. How can you go wrong with that one. And then you have the other side which is relative truths.

Relative Truths
makes up almost everything that we do, how we act, what we say, how we dress it falls under a huge umbrella relative truth. In these relative truths we have the Nonsensical Rules or as I call them Non Rules. Because they are absolutely Nonsensical Rules. They do not make sense anymore. They may have at one time but they don't now. Or, these rules are not serving us. Right? If something's not serving you then you got to get rid of it. Because, how can you reach a high level of success if you're getting beaten down. These are made up of three basic areas I'm going to discuss.

1. Social
2. Cultural
3. often is religion Obviously not everyone follows a religion so not everybody subscribes to that but none-the-less, those are sort of the three basic areas under the relative truths.

You think back to my buddy Sam, he was getting mixed up in these relative truths. And the Nonsensical Rule that he had in him that rich people were bad people. They're selfish. They're greedy. All these terrible things and who knows, maybe his boss, you know, his grandfather's boss was like that. I don't know. But, obviously not all rich people have to be like that. So, it's a Nonsensical Rule. Rich people are not all bad. They can be the most kindest, most generous loving people you've ever met in your life. They just happen to have a lot of money. What's wrong with that? Nothing. Then he also had the relative truth that you can be anything you want to be. Well, I think that's an absolute truth frankly. I really don't believe that this should be a relative truth. I think that's an absolute truth. I think that everybody who can draw a breath has the ability to choose to do, be and have whatever it is that they want. That's why I'm here. Is to teach you how to have a high level of success. How to reach that high level of success.

Now in the relative truth, I talked about social. Let's break that down a bit.

Social is your family unit, it's your friends it's all the people you've come in contact with. That's sort of your social group. yes, I know I can break it down in to more terms but this suits our purposes just fine. Let's keep it easy. The social truths is, you are raised by parents so they teach you certain truths. Did your parents teach you everything correctly? In other words did they give you bad information? No doubt! Because where did they get their information? From their parents and their social circles growing up. And are things different now then it was when their parents were around? Of course things are different now. Are our beliefs structures changed? Very Very likely. The social stuff that you have grown up on, you got to challenge them now and then. Like Sam. He had to say, just because grandpa said that rich people are bad doesn't mean it's true. He had to challenge that inside of himself and say, you know what grandpa? I'm thinking you’re wrong on this one and I'm just not going to buy in to that anymore. I'm going to buy in to some wealthy people are beautiful loving people and I certainly choose to be one of those. Alright? So, you need to challenge these rules to determine whether or not they suit you today. Do they suit who you are, what you are, what you're becoming and all that stuff. And, you need to decide which ones to keep and which ones to discard.

2. Cultural is number two of the relative truths
The cultural beliefs of course is based on your culture. In today's societies where we have … is not so much a single culture as what it once was. You look around you in many parts of the world now it's not just you anymore. It's you and all kinds of other cultures. Your culture along with other cultures from all over the world right there in your neighborhood. Frankly I think that's a good thing. I don't think that's a bad thing. So today the cultural beliefs is a little more mixed up then it used to be. And the reason I think this is a good thing is because we can pick and choose what suits our needs. what gives us ... what serves us and that I think is a very good thing. Let's just think for a minute. There are still ... if you research on the internet you can see that there's still some really fantastic cultures still out there that have never changed throughout the centuries. Think about this, if you took one of those guys off of some island somewhere, and you know, he's still sticking animal hair through his nose for decoration and so on and so forth and living a very very simple lifestyle and you brought him out to this computerized world that we're in today, he's going to start questioning his culture. He's going to start deciding whether or not his culture is really going to serve him. And maybe it does and maybe it doesn't that's up to the individual but what I'm pointing out here is that, your cultural beliefs can also be challenged. And in some cases should be challenged. Because your cultural beliefs can teach you how to treat people. Some cultures believe that one sex is more superior to the other sex. Which of course, I don't believe that and I don't think that a lot of people do anymore but point is, is that it's still there in some cultures. And that culture is a Nonsensical Rule or a Nonrule that is not going to serve you so you'd do very very well to get rid of that one. You know, there's tons and tons of cultural beliefs and again, what I'm pointing out here to you is not to dictate to you what culture you should follow, what rules you should follow but again to recognize the rule. Recognize whether it serves you or not? Whether it's time to change it or not. Not just to blindly go on as you have for the last number of years of your life but to look at things with intelligence. To look at things in the light of, how does it serve me.

And then you get in to the religious beliefs. I know this is a touchy subject. I got to go here so I'm going here. I'm sorry if it offends you and I'm trying my best not to. But there are so many religious beliefs that at one point in time in history, probably did have a need. There probably was a time in history where you shouldn't eat this food, you must wear these clothes, you must do these rituals. Whatever it is that your religion dictates. Again, you apply the same sort of technology to it, does this serve me today? Does this help me in what I want to become? Or, does it inhibit me? Does it dictate if I don't do something that I'm a bad person? well. Or does it dictate that I have to do this in order to be a good person? Now again, in all religions, I believe in all religions, I don't know all religions, but I'm going to believe in all religions there is good and there is probably some not so good. I believe that the bible itself has a great amount of wisdom in there. And I believe that when you boil it right down, if I don't do something does that make me a bad person? No, I don't think so. But, these are my beliefs. Do I believe in a specific religion? No, I do not. I believe in a higher power. I'm not going to break down my beliefs for you because frankly it's my belief and I'm not here to push my belief on anyone else but I do believe in a higher power. Absolutely I do. It's a part of my life, no question about it. But, I don't allow people to dictate rules to me that go against me, what I believe and what serves me and ultimately what serves you, my clients. And this is where the Nonsensical Rules come in. is that you have to decide, what is the Nonsensical Rule and what is a valid good rule to follow.

I'll give you an example in my own life, just recently. If you look at some of my older videos, you may not notice yet but I started a new weightlifting program. I was injured I had to go back to basically square one again. And I came across this incredibly short intense workout. Literally 15 minutes, twice a week, actually seven and a half minutes but you know, we'll say fifteen to get setup and everything. Fifteen minutes, twice a week for the first month and then after that I train only those 15 minutes once a week. I've only got in to, what am I week four I think now? Half way through week four. So I have 2, 4, 6, 7 workouts now under my belt. and my muscles are coming in. My belief always was that I had to train for hours in the gym and I did. I used to train 3 or 4 hours a day for 4 days a week, lifting weights and that was my belief. In fact I even used to have a fitness site where I taught this. I had different programs obviously for different people at different levels and different amount of time that they wanted to put in. But, my basic truth was, that you needed to spend an hour or two, four of vie days a week in order to build muscle, get stronger and be healthier. Well, I'm not going to give this program a full thumbs up right now but I got to say, it challenged my beliefs, it challenged my rule to say wow, maybe that other way that I used to train, which was mentally exhausting, physically exhausting and so much time spent in the gym, maybe it is a Nonsensical Rule. Maybe I don't have to train that often and that hard for that long to get the kind of results I want. I'm not going to be a body builder. Never really intended to be a body builder. I just wanted to get filled in a bit, get stronger, be healthier. You know, just basic good shape rather than okay condition. Alright? And that's what I'm doing. So, I had to challenge all these beliefs that I had in fitness. I taught them, I wrote books on them, I wrote blogs on them and yet, now I have to backtrack and rethink this whole thing and say, you know what? Maybe that was a Nonsensical Rule. Maybe that basic outline to get bigger stronger was a Nonsensical Rule, Nonrule, and now I don't have to train that hard and I'm getting these results. Now if you are in to fitness and so forth, I am training extremely hard but for a very short time. So the pain is almost excruciating and all the rest of that stuff. But it sure beats spending 2 to 4 hours a day in the gym. If you're not working hard then you are hardly working and you are not going to get results, nor should you expect to but none-the-less, I'm getting pretty good results from this and I'm pretty proud of it. So, one of these days I'll do a session on this stuff but again, I want to test it further, I want to see when I get down to the one session a week that it still maintains and improves or not.

Anyway, so that is where you are at as far as how to recognize and change Nonsensical Rules. Alright? And you need to keep an open mind. You need to be aware that just because you’ve done something all your life does not mean that it is necessarily the best way to do things. You need to be open and you need to be willing to change those rules the nonrules that do not serve you and that are not taking you to where you want to go. Because if these rules are holding you back from reaching your level of success that's a Nonsensical Rule. That's pretty obvious. Right? But you have to recognize it and you have to be open to it in order to change it. Alright?

I am Michael Edward. I'm so thrilled you're here with me. Please check me out on YouTube and join up there. Leave some comments all over the place, I'll do my best to get back to you. And, join the Michael Edward - Enjoy Love Succeed page. Follow that And above all else, you really want to get on that email list of mine and they'll be a link on the YouTube page you are watching right now probably to link you to my website or link you directly to getting on my email list. The email list is the best way to keep in touch with me and I can tell you what I'm up to. That's going to be the core. Alright? So everybody still has an email address, you want to sign up and trust me, I'm not going to be sending a bunch of junk, just stuff to help you reach your level of success.

I am Michael Edward go out there every day and Enjoy, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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