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How To Remain Motivated

Dec 10, 2018

Getting motivated is only half the battle. The real power is in remaining motivated. When you understand that motivation comes from within, you’ve won.

Watch the How To Remain Motivated video here


I remember observing some friends after they came back from different seminars. There were two results. Some came back what I call a motivated idiot. This is when they are bouncing off the walls but didn’t know what to do with the energy. The others found the information good but not inspiring. It was all technique. The motivated idiots soon returned to their previous state and often the technique folks didn’t grow or change. The teaching didn’t stick. No, I am not trashing seminars. I love them. The last one I went to was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. I am merely illustrating a point.

It didn’t take long for me to figure out that there had to be a better way. How does someone stay motivated? Why do we look outside ourselves when the answer is inside of us? Yes, you drive your motivation. You choose to be motivated or not. What practices can we do in our everyday life to help keep us going?

Here are three points for you to consider.

1. Celebrate The Little Wins
I was very bad at this. I would finish a task no matter the result and jump right to the next task. I never took the briefest of time to be proud of myself. In fact I would even duck congratulations when it was offered. Not good. Enjoy the feeling of the wins. It’s the wins that keep us wanting more wins. This builds momentum. When you come home at night don’t get in to the bad things that happened that day. Focus on sharing the wins you had. Now that’s powerful!

2. Remember How Far You’ve Come
No matter your current age or standing in life, you’ve come a long way and had many wins. If you won then, you can win again. Write down some of the major challenges you have conquered. Remember how they felt. Look at this list as needed.

3. Take A Personal Development Course
I’ve been a lone wolf most of my life. No one I knew wanted to learn what I wanted to learn. I took courses and joined groups associated with that course to meet likeminded people. The pack has your back. Not only is taking and completing a course rewarding in of itself, you can share your experiences with the group and help others along their journey. You may also have lifelong friends from these groups too. The key here is, learning something new helps keep life interesting and that will also help you remain motivated in everything that you do.

Enjoy, Love, Succeed.

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