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How To Remove Daily Stress

Dec 03, 2018

Watch How To Remove Daily Stress Here.  

Tap It Out


Removing stress is not only necessary for your health but also to reach your high level of success. Daily stress clogs our mental capacity with negative emotions. These negative emotions block us from feeling good and that stops us from living a happy  productive life.

When you recall an incident that happened you get an emotional charge from it. This charge can be good or bad. When I think back of holding my baby boys I feel happier and warm inside. When I think of something bad that happens I feel a negative charge. It might make me sad or angry or hurt. TIO removes these negative charges so that you can move on from that incident. Here we will focus on how to remove the common daily stresses of life.

One of my clients was telling me about an experience she had working with TIO. Apparently her husband said something that really annoyed her. She stormed off and was quite angry. She remembered what I taught her and applied the technique and was totally relaxed and calm in a couple of minutes. With her calm mind and settled emotions she was able to address the situation with the correct frame of mind.

This video will teach you only the basics of Tap It Out. This will not teach you how to work on others or deal with more serious issues. The idea is to show you how to release common daily stresses.

If you want to work on traumas or issues from your past, you need to work with someone who is highly trained in this area. I have spent many years studying and working with a variety of people in various age groups.

I know it is exciting when you learn a new technique and you want to share it with everyone you know but please keep this in perspective. You will not be an expert from watching this video. You will learn how to remove stress to clear your mind and feel much better.

This technique could be used every night before bed to remove the stresses of the day to allow for a wonderful nights rest. It eliminates that build up we feel until we explode. It can be used for all stresses including at work or shopping or anything that pops up that day.

If you want to work with me one on one, contact me at [email protected] and we can make arrangements. If you are already on my email list you can reply to any of those emails and I will respond.

Live stress free and
Enjoy, Love, Succeed.
Michael Edward

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