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How To Set Excellent Goals

Sep 17, 2018

Watch How To Set Excellent Goals Video Here


How To Set Excellent Goals

1. Once you set goals everything begins to change. Your mannerisms change, you start feeling different about yourself. Your expectations for yourself are higher.

2. Are you the type of person who is willing to study, grow and become the person it takes to reach the goals you have? If yes, great! if not, then change your goals.

3. Don't fall in to the fear or doubt in yourself.
When you set goals it is easy to think that you'll never achieve them. Trust in your ability to grow into that person. It is an exciting process. I think about the person I was 5 or 10 years ago and I'm not him anymore. Humans have the ability to choose and grow.

4. Don't let the past dictate your future.
Today is what counts. You can make huge changes in your life in a short amount of time. Just give yourself permission to do so. You can draw on talents you didn't know you had. You will develop new talents too.

5. Ask and you shall receive.
A famous quote right? It's now your time to ask. Allowing yourself to receive might be just as hard as asking.
Asking is vital. The more specific you are, the more clear you are, the more likely you will achieve them.

6. Ask with Faith
Remember when you were young and had that childlike enthusiasm? Get it back. Ask with without doubt, knowing that you will get what you want.

7. Long term goals
These are the goals you want to achieve in the next 1 to 10 years.

8. What is a short term goal?
This is up to 1 year. Think of them as action plans. The short goals lead to your long term goals.
Last year we drove across a good part of the country. The final destination was the goal. Along the way we had short term goals. Friends and family we visited and overnight stays and side trips. These were what I call the action plans.

Here is an exercise you must do. Take a pen and paper and with very little thought write down 30 to 50 things you want. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. Use the following to help trigger some ideas.

A. What do I want to do?
B. What do I want to be?
C. How do I want to feel?
D. What do I want to have?
E. Where do I want to go?
F. What do I want to give?

How long will it take to reach those goals.
Now pick through the list and number each item. Decide if they are 1 year, 3 year, 5 year or 10 year items.

If most are 10 year goals consider if you are being too easy on yourself. Give this serious consideration. Make sure you have several in the 1 to 3 years category.

Video Transcript

Hey this is Michael Edward founder of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks In 4 Weeks and that's a 4 week video course that teaches you how to identify and remove the mental blocks that are keeping you stuck.

Today we have a bunch of stuff to talk about. If you are in a point where you are starting out. Alright? You're just starting out. Or maybe you are like me and you are starting over again, starting a new life. Or, even if you're at the sort of pinnacle, the top of your heap and you've lost that will. You don't have the drive that you used to have. There's something missing and it's going to be discussed all this video and that is goals. The importance of setting goals, why do you need goals, what are they good for, how do you set goals. All this stuff, we are going to talk about today. And the reason that it is so important is if you are starting right from scratch you need to have a destination to go for. If you're at the other end where your life is not bad, your career is fine but you just don't have the ambition that you used to have and so forth. It's because you don't have a goal to shoot for. I'm going to cover 11 points today. At the end I'm going to give you an exercise to do to help you, to teach you how to set goals properly. The exercise is great! Is not complicated. It does not take a lot of time. It's a necessity, you must do it. Alright? So hang in and enjoy the video.

Point number 1. Goals Will Change You.
They will change you because you have to rise and become the person you want to become in order to achieve the goals.

Number 2. You have to set the goals high.
You have to bring the goal up very high, challenging goal. If your goal is to just get through the week and maybe have a few bucks left over to buy the family a pizza, that's not a high goal. That is not going to change you. That is not going to raise your drive. That is not going to be reaching your level of success. No, that's not enough. You want to have a goal that's challenging and that's pretty much scary. If it scares you a little, that's a good sign. But, at the same time, you do not want to have a goal that depresses you. It's like, no way in hell am I ever going to get there. That's not what we're about here. We are about setting goals that are challenging but achievable and not to the point to where I want a hundred billion dollars. And you think about that and there's just no belief. Then nothing will happen.

Number 3 is Goals Will Change You.
They will change the type of person you are because if you think about it, most people ... You've heard stories about people who were wealthy and they lost it and they got it back? That's not because they're smarter than everybody else, it's because they have a wealthy disposition. They are wealthy, all the time they are wealthy. When you set goals and start dinging them off when you get to the end of the goal, then you are going to feel like a new person. Is it really the person that you are becoming is the goal or is it, if the goal was money, is it reaching a million dollars? It's really about the person. You want to become what you want to become. The type of person rather than the goal. Give that some thought. Is it the goal that you want or the person that you are going to become is the real issue here. That's number 3

Number 4. Are you even willing to read, study, learn, grow in to the person you want to become?
If you're not willing, you're done, stop. Stop watching videos like this, Stop watching how to be successful because if you're not willing to change in to and learn and research and so forth then how do you expect to get anywhere? You have to be willing to learn and grow.

Number 5. Don't Feel Fear Or Doubt when you look at your goals.
You need to be very up and very positive, have a high level of belief that you can achieve the goal. Otherwise, you're just spitting in the wind, no point. So, you don't want to raise the goal so high that you're in a state of fear or uncomfortable or doubt. Alright? As I said earlier, it should be exciting. It should be challenging.

Number 6. Don't Let Your Past Failures Dictate Your Future.
You may have had some failures in the past and really if you think about them, I suggest you do, spend some time thinking about whether or not you really gave it all. A couple of weeks ago I talked about a video that was all on discipline. Were you disciplined at that time? Were you doing what you should have been doing in order to reach your level of success at that time. Right now, what we're looking at here is there is a tomorrow, we're going to plan for that. We're going to work for it. There is no yesterday. And, what we have most control over is today. So focus on today and tomorrow. Forget about the past. Can't change it, can't do anything about it. Gone!

Number 7. Why Do Goals Work So Well?
Why do they have such a positive impact on us when we implement them and we write them and we do the work around goal setting and review them and change them as time goes on. Why does it make such a big impact? The answer is actually relatively complex and it involves me giving you a lesson on law of attraction or energy. and that's a whole other video and I will do that video, sooner or later. Right now, let's just chock it up as one of life's little mysteries. It's a mysterious thing, Just have faith that it works and, if nothing else, try it. Try it for 60 days, try it for 90 days. Whatever you want. Try it do this whole thing I'm explaining to you today, do it all. and you see what happens to you. That's the only way to figure it out. and the only way to find out is to try it.

Number 8. Ask And You Shall Receive!
This is not a new concept at all. But, do you do it? Do you ask? Do you ask your higher power? I want to have, whatever. Ask! It's in the bible it's probably in every religious text. It's taught in many different genres and ask and receive. Now, receiving can be tough. Receiving it tough for me. It doesn't matter how big or small, I used to have a real problem with receiving anything, a gift, a cup of tea, whatever. I really did have a problem with that. I've let that go because if you are not open to receiving then you are not open growing. You have to be able to be open to growing. So, Ask your higher power. Ask and allow yourself to receive.

Number 9 Ask With Faith!
Have absolute childlike faith. That it's coming true. With expectation. It's going to happen. With enthusiasm. Oh man this is so cool when it happens! You need to have that childlike innocence and faith and belief in order for you to move quickly. This is the stuff that makes the difference reach your goals quickly or over a longer period of time.

Number 10. Long-Term Goals
What is a long term goal? Long term goal is over a year. You can think in terms of 3, 5, 10 years. That is a long term goal. Anything over a year. And you want to list them, again, there's an exercise coming up shortly now. There’s an exercise that'll explain that part of it. but I just want to differentiate between long term and short term goals. So, 3, 5, 7, 10 years. That's long term.

Number 11 is, Short-Term Goals
What is a short term goal? Short-term goal is a year or less. I like to think of short-term goals as, sort of like action steps. It's a process. For example: last year I went and helped somebody move across country. I flew out and the goal was of course was to reach the final destination which was to come back here. Along the way, we had different action steps that we needed to do. Different procedures. So the short terms goals in the trip was the action plan which was we're going to drive from here to here and we'll spend the night at this place. We'll book that. The next leg of the journey we'll go visit some friends. And then the next leg of the journey we'll stop at such as such and do some touristy things. So this is sort of the short-term goals. It's how I define them is, more or less an action plan. So if you have a year goal of losing 20 pounds or something. Then you have to have action plan up to that year to keep you on track. So, every week you're going to do this much exercise for 4 weeks or so. Then after that you're going to increase the exercise because you are getting in better shape now, you can do more, etc. etc. You are going to have an eating plan etc.
So, that is what a short-term goal is to me is, an action plan. If you think about it that way I think it will help you step it out. Obviously the long-term goal, the 5 year goal is to feel really strong and healthy and vibrant and so forth. So the short-term goal would be well, I thinking the next year I need to drop X number of pounds and start working on becoming more fit with exercise. Do you see how that comes together? It leads you to that 5 year plan. After the first year Your next year, you're going to write down a new goal and you're going to say This year I need to step it up. I need to .. Maybe I'm going to take on a physical challenge Um, maybe a biathlon or triathlon or something. And then you do the action steps leading to that goal. It is still leading to your 5 year goal which is, I want to feel amazing and vibrant.

Now the Exercise

The exercise shouldn't take you much more than 15 minutes. It should be sort of a quick almost no thought to it. What you want to do is, you want to write down 30 to 50 goals. You just want to grab a pen a paper and start scribbling down a bunch of stuff, bunch of goals of anything you want. and I'll give you 5 or 6 points that I want you to write down. You can glance at and ask yourself these questions to help trigger more ideas of things you want to write down.

The first one is:
A. What do I want to do?
b. Who do I want to be?
c. How do I want to feel?
D. What do I want to have?
E. where do I want to go?
f. What do I want to give.

Giving is something you always want to put in your plan. Do you want to give to a certain charity? if so, how much? If you want to give more time to volunteer, if so, how much.

Now, those are just guidelines to help you think of 30 to 50 different items that you're going to write down.

Now once you've written those down, now I want you to go over them and I want you to put a number beside each one. You might want to list them one per line. The number is , the number of years it's going to take in order for to achieve that goal. 1 year, 5 years, 3 years, 7 years, 10 years, how long. Yeah, I know, I said that out of order. 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years. Ok, are we happy now? Ok, good.

Now, if you find you are putting down a lot of 10 years? I think what's going on here is that you don't have enough faith in yourself. You don't believe in yourself that you will achieve the goal. If that's the case you need to rethink it, and either decide whether or not you're being realistic as far as ... 10 years to do that? No, I should be able to do that really in 3 years. Let's put my doubt aside, let's put my fear aside, let's put the goofiness aside, and just look at it and say you know, what? I'm going to change this to a 3 year plan or a 5 year plan. This is my goal right here. In 5 years I'm going to have such and such. Do you understand what I'm saying? so, in other words if you have a whole bunch of tens in your goals, the chances are not great that you are challenging yourself. And then, chances are not great that you will ever achieve the goal.

So in order to achieve that goal, you need to write them out, you need to be very specific the more specific you are the more thought you've put in to it, the more likely you are asking for it, right, back to point 8, and the more specific you are, the more you can ask for it. There's other schools of thought out there on if you should be more general or specific. There are procs and cons to both I'm not going to discuss that right now. As far as writing down the goals be specific. I want you to see it in your head. I want you to feel it in your heart. I want you to know that you can have that goal. Give yourself permission to do this work. Give yourself permission to get excited. And I'm giving you permission right now, go be childlike, have fun   with this. enjoy the process.

Alright? I am Michael Edward coming to you from
I hope you follow me on Facebook, I'm always putting out posts there.
Videos, obviously YouTube. I put up a weekly so you can go back and look over the last few weeks or several weeks and learn some more information there?
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As for today I want you to go out there and Enjoy, Love as much as you can and Succeed.


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