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How To Set Triggers For Your Success

Nov 12, 2018

Watch the How To Set Triggers For Your Success video on YouTube here


Using triggers will increase your productivity, improve relationships at home, raise your energy and change your life in many ways. The process is very simple and incredibly powerful. With practice it will become so automatic that you won't even realize you are applying this technique and the results are amazing.

A trigger invokes a specific mental response that you take based on every day common actions.

How Does It Work?

There are two parts.
A. First, you set a trigger. This could be whenever you do anything physical. As you sit down at your desk, pulling in to your driveway, going through a doorway, anything that you can see or touch.
B. Now you assign a thought process to that action. The thought process is a very quick mental exercise that is designed to put you in a certain state. Here are some examples.

1. Productivity
When you sit down at your desk you remember why you are doing the work you are doing. Who is your client, who at home are you working for? This raises your necessity to do the work and will increase your enthusiasm to do so. Watch Michael’s video How To Raise Necessity To Ensure Your Success, for more information.

2. Relationships
When you arrive home in the driveway after a long day at work, don't go in angry. Stop for a moment and think about the people inside. They deserve your better self. Remind yourself that your loved ones need you and you love them. You can also apply this to going to work to show up as the better you. In the parking lot or as you walk through the door at work, really pump yourself up.

3. Personal Development Reminders
Use a trigger, brushing your teeth, to remind yourself it's time to do a mental exercise. This could be giving out gratitude or saying I Am Enough. Here is the title to a video Michael recorded to help you in this area. How To Increase Your Self-Esteem.

4. Increase Your Energy
As you enter the gym, use the doorway to set you up for a great workout. Stand taller, think about how good you will feel and really get excited about the workout.

Here are two videos that will help you in this process.


How To Raise Necessity To Ensure Your Success 

This teaches you how to drive your necessity very high and it is the mental process that you can connect to a trigger.


How To Increase Your Self-Esteem 

This is a self-improvement lesson that explains the I Am Enough mentioned earlier.


Video Transcript


Hey It's Michael Edward creator of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks In 4 Weeks. Which is a course that teaches you how to identify and remove those mental blocks that's stopping you from reaching your level of success.

How To Set Triggers For Your Success

Today I want to teach you a very specific tool. A very powerful tool. Simple but powerful tool to help you reach your level of success. Today's video is How To Set Triggers For Your Success.

Now, what am I talking about here, triggers and so on. Triggers can be used and I'm going to give you four examples in a little bit but ... triggers can be used to enhance your productivity, improve relationships, so many aspects. I'm going to cover 4 down below. But just hang in with me Grab some notes and let's get on with these triggers.

A trigger is a specific mental response that you have to an everyday common action. Alright? So a trigger is a specific mental response that you have to a common everyday action.

So, there's two parts here. I'm going to break them down for you right now.
There's two parts. There's the actual action and there's also the mental specific response that you have to that action.

Let's take the action first. The action can be anything and so simple as when you sit down in your office chair, as when you drive in to your driveway, the driveway is a trigger. The office chair is a trigger. Ok? When your butt hits that seat man, you have a very specific mental response. When you go through a doorway whether it's at home, you can have many different doorways. A work doorway, a gym doorway etc. When you see something you can have a specific mental response. When you turn the key in the ignition you can have a specific mental response.
Now, you can have all kinds of triggers. I suggest what you do in the beginning is pick one, really master it so that it's not even a thought process, it's just a mere habit. That's what you want to get your triggers down to the point of them being a habit where you're not even thinking about it, it's just a simple reaction. Alright? Just a simple mental response. So pick one and go with it.

Now, I'm going to give you four examples and in these four examples, they are just examples. You can use, as I said, anything you want and assign the specific mental response to it. So, what I'm going to show you in these examples are just how they work. How you can apply them. And, the expected results that you can get from it.

So, example number 1. Productivity. Increased productivity.
Well, in my world when I sit down at the desk, and frankly I used to do this even when I worked for the large organization not just now, but I'm going to stick with speaking more specifically to now. When I sit down at my desk and I know what my next task is. And when my butt hits that seat I hesitate just for a minute before I put my hands on the keys and start working, I remember why it is that I'm doing what I'm doing. Vast percent of the time, I'm doing it for you. I'm doing it for my clients. I have a very high level of clients service. I love my clients I will do all that I can for my clients and I've always had that in me. Always. All my jobs I've ever had whether I liked them or not it was always client service. High client service. How can I help my clients. How can I better help my clients. So when my butt hits that seat, there's sort of two things that flick in my mind right away. One is I'm here to teach something. I'm here to write something to help someone. The other one that flips in to my mind is why am I doing this. Well, in my world, I'm doing this? Not just for me because that's just not powerful enough in my world. I need to do things ... it's called sense of duty. I have two videos down in the ... two links in the description and they're clearly identified to what they are. You definitely want to watch those two videos after you've watched this one and you'll see what I mean. One of them for me is raising my necessity to why I need to do something. I do a lot of stuff is for my sons. I do it so I'm in a position where I can financially help my sons. I do it to be a great role model for my sons. To show them that even though I'm blind and over half deaf I can still reach a very high level of success in what I do. So, that's my sense of duty. Alright? That's raising my necessity. This is not a long process. I mean when my butt hits that chair boom boom, it just goes in my mind. And all of a sudden it changes my whole attitude. I don't sit down and if I catch myself sitting down and saying, oh god, now I have to come up with another Facebook post. Or, I'm basically complaining then man, I stop. If anything I'll even stand back up and sit down again as a trigger. But I stop and say, why am I doing this and for whom and I doing this. And that helps me a tremendous amount. That's one trigger to help you increase productivity. No, I'm not teaching you how to go through emails quicker and things like that, no. I'm teaching you the powerful technique of raising your whole enthusiasm level, your whole energy level, making you feel good about what it is that you are doing which of course, increases productivity.

Number 2 example is relationships.
How to improve relationships. This is one that I had to do quite regularly until it became a habit. I call it the driveway trigger. So when I pull in to my driveway coming home from a job that I did not like especially near the end before I quit. It was to the point where I was really miserable and I was not a good person in those days. I did not want to bring that crap in to my home to my kids and so on. So, as I walked up my driveway, and you might just sit in your car for a minute and go through this process. But as I walked up my driveway I thought to myself, how am I feeling right now? I'm not feeling too good. I don't want to walk in to the house and stomping my feet around and acting like a jerk and putting everybody on edge. I want to bring my better self to them. Because they don't deserve the cranky old man. They deserve the fun guy that they're mostly used to having around and laughter and so forth. That's what they deserve and that's what I'm going to bring to them. So here's what happens. As I walk up the driveway, I immediately check and see what I'm feeling right now and I immediately change that and I start chuckling to myself as I think of something funny I can do as I walk in to the door. Or, something that could be completely unexpected or it could be just something goofy. Whatever, it doesn't matter.
One day I walked in to the house and my younger son who is the quieter one and is he was a little easier to startle then my other son. I walked in the door and I don't know why, I just opened my mouth and this, Wilma! You know, an absolute booming Fred Flintstone imitation came out that was just bang on and my son was ... He was in front of me doing the you know, dear in the headlights thing? He just locked right up. He heard me yell. I guess he thought I was mad, I guess he thought he was in trouble or something and when I realized he was only a few feet in front of me, I walked up to him and put my arms around him and said, it's ok, just dad being dad. You know, being a goofy. And he laughed and I laughed. Oh my god did we ever laugh. What a great way to come home. Well, after I shocked him but it was a great way to come home. We were laughing and joking about it. I think we still joke about it actually.
So, that is a way of building a relationship. You can use this trigger in so many ways. You can use it that when you see your loved one it triggers you. It's a visual trigger and you automatically smile. Doesn't matter if you saw this person two minutes ago. Doesn't matter if you just walked through the kitchen and now you're walking ack through and you see your significant other, just smile. I think you get the idea but use a trigger of some sort to have a specific mental response that comes in your mind to remind you to do something.

Number 3. is in the Personal Development area.
This is incredibly powerful. Another video I'm linking you to in the description talks about, I think it might be in the last video I just did actually and in there is an exercise where I Am Enough. I am Enough. And why you need to do these exercises and so on. What you want to do is, to do that exercise, you want to setup triggers. A trigger again, it can be anything. It can be when I brush my teeth. I am enough, I am enough, I am enough. You can setup a gratitude trigger is another one. As you brush your teeth. Thank you for the toothbrush. Thank you for the tooth paste. I am so grateful for this, I'm so grateful for that. An I love myself exercise. Any sort of Personal Development type area that you want to work on. You need to setup a trigger, a reminder and triggers are the best reminders because you can associate them with an everyday common action. Alright? Brushing your teeth, turning a key in the ignition to start your car. Every time you turn the key you do something, you say something you think about something. Excellent, excellent. This is powerful stuff I'm telling you. You try this and you tell me that it's not powerful Of course it is powerful. It's great.

Number 4 example is an energy boost or enthusiasm boost.
And this one is when I walk in to the gym. You can use this as a doorway, the gym door. You could also use this at work to pick you up as you walk in to work instead of being a grumbling employee, you could be a happy employee. I really feel this one when I go to the gym. That's where I assigned it. When I go in to the gym a few things happen. One is I catch the smells, I catch the sounds and I push open a door. As I walk in I don't think the process through anymore because it's such an ingrained thing in to me that I don't have to think the process through. It's an automatic. That's the level that you want to get to obviously. That's why you want to work on one trigger until it becomes an automatic. And then pick the next one and so forth. Anyway, when I walk in to the gym a few things happen. All of a sudden my step gets a little bit lighter. My shoulders goes down and back. I just feel powerful. I am immediately filled with energy because I'm looking forward to that workout. I'm looking forward to hammering the weights. I'm looking forward to really giving it my all and for that I need to be up, I need to be powerful, I need to be loose, I need to be relaxed, right? I need to be all kinds of things. And, it just happens now. I walk in the gym and boom, you know? I feel great and I'm looking forward to that workout. I like my weights. I'm not a big body builder like I used to be at one time but I still workout with weights. I make every rep count. Every repetition. Every time I lift a weight, not the whole set, I mean every single lift, I make it count. And I can't do that if I walk in to the gym going, oh hell, another workout. Oh man I don't want to be here. No! When I walk through that gym door boom! Here comes athlete Michael. That is an absolute trigger that I have.
You can apply any trigger to anything. These four examples are just there to help you get the idea down. To understand the basic power of these things so that you can start to apply them. You can have a weight loss trigger. The weight loss trigger could be, when you have a food that you know you don't really like but you know it's really good for you. You could assign a trigger to it and say you know what? This may not be my favorite thing but it is so healthy, it is so good for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's another idea. When you there's a bad food that you know you are going to run in to, you could put up a trigger. Every time I smell this food, I think no. That is going to take away from the success I've already had so far, I'm not going to touch it. You can have negative triggers, positive triggers. You can use triggers in any way that you can imagine. that suit your needs, that suits what your objective is right now.
I hope you got the idea down. I hope that you go and apply these things.

As I say in the description below I put in a few links for you but please subscribe. When you subscribe, it's the easiest way to find all of my videos of which there’s 16 or so now. Every week I'm putting out another video. So, when you go to YouTube you can click on subscribed list and you can pick out Michael Edward Show and you can see all of the videos there. so you can go back to them easily without having to search for everything again. It's quite a time saver. And, I appreciate a thumbs up. I appreciate any kind of positive comments that you want to leave. Any kind of questions you want to leave? I will do my best to respond to them.

Until then, I want you to go out there, Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.

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