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Passion Is Not Enough For Success

enjoy love succeed michael edward michael edward blind passion is not enough for success reach your level of success success Dec 24, 2018

You’ve probably heard that you must have a passion and that will lead you to success. Not quite true. Passion will wane sooner or later. It almost always does.


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Passion is defined as a strong barely controllable emotion.

Think of two lovers that come together. In the beginning they are very passionate. The emotions are very intense. Sooner or later this will begin to wane and may or may not become a long term relationship.

When reaching your level of success you need something more than passion. You need a good healthy obsession. This is what will carry you through the good times and the hard times.

You can create obsession by taking something you do have a passion for and mixing in curiosity. In other words learn more and more about that subject. In this pursuit you will quickly realize if this subject is right for you over the long term.

One way to think about obsession is with this formula. Passion plus Curiosity equals Obsession.

I do realize that in many parts of the world obsession has a negative meaning. When you are obsessed about something where you are not eating or sleeping or able to maintain “normal relationships” this is unhealthy. When you think about your dream often and remain excited about it and want to learn more and more about it, this is where you want to be.

I love playing my guitar. It makes me feel good and is a creative outlet for me. When I first took lessons I was very passionate about it. I worked through the beginner pain of building calluses and learned to twist my fingers in unusual ways. I have no interest in making a study of it to get to a mastery level. It’s a hobby that I enjoy. I just like playing it. This is not something I should pursue as a lifelong career. It will soon become work to me.

My love for Personal Development is a different matter. First I began studying for my own growth. Over time I realized that I really had a knack for breaking various aspects of this subject down to easy to understand concepts in order that I can grasp and apply what I was reading. Once I was getting results I then realized that this is how I wanted to dedicate my life. I decided to help people reach their highest level of success. Years later I still have the same feeling for this topic.

I have a need to help people. There are a million different ways one could help people. One could work in a clothing store and help people look their best. One could work in the medical industry. One could have a flower shop and provide beautiful flowers for others to enjoy. The list goes on and on.

What excites you? What are you passionate about? Learn as much as you can about it and see if it will become an obsession for you.

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