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Path To Succeed

Aug 12, 2018

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Path To Succeed

If you are finally ready to start making changes in your life to reach your level of success, this is where to begin.

Get on the right path by implementing the below points.

1. Know your story.
You may know my story by now. I am blind and over half deaf. I lost my family, my job and I was at the bottom. I can recall how I felt. I lost who I was since I wasn’t a daily dad, a husband or even an employee anymore. I chose to flip the negative feelings around and make many changes in my life. In recalling how I felt then I learned exactly what I didn’t want to be ever again. Knowing this I could now take action to learn how to be what I wanted to be.
Take the powerful feelings you’ve experienced during a bad time in your life and decide that you will never be in that state again. If you felt rejection, take that feeling and make it your goal to improve so you never feel it again.
Did you know that most successful people in all areas have been rejected? The best athletes didn’t make the team their first time out? Authors who didn’t make a million on their first book? Business people who failed how many times? At some point they all said the same thing. It won’t happen to me again. They trained harder, wrote more books, learned what they needed to learn to succeed.

2. take ownership of who and what you are.
A huge problem in society today is that we place blame everywhere but on ourselves. Be responsible for what you do, what you say and for your own actions. As soon as you take responsibility for your current circumstances, you will also know that you can change them.

3. write out your long and short term goals.
You’ve heard this before, now it’s time to do it. Write out daily, monthly and yearly goals. Review them weekly and revise as needed. Be sure to teach your kids about this. If you don’t have a goal How can you get there? If you don’t write it out and review weekly how can you know if you are making progress?

4. Be consistent.
If you want to reach a high level of success, you must be consistent. Think about the dream constantly and most importantly, take consistent action. I’ve lost months and years from not doing this one simple thing. Don’t let it happen to you. Not anymore.

Also take notes. Have a notebook and write down everything you see, read or hear that is valuable. If you are reading a book, take notes. Take notes about this article. Don’t rely on your memory, not if you truly want to reach a high level of success. Don’t just be a student of life but be a great student for life.

Go out there and Enjoy, love and Succeed.
Transcript of the video is below.

Hey it's Michael Edward creator of How To Crush Your Mental Blocks in 4 Weeks where we get rid of those pesky things that's stopping you from reaching your level of success.

Today we are going to talk about path to succeed. If you're in a place in your life right now where you want to do things, you want to achieve certain goals, you have a dream that you want to fulfill but you're just not making motions, you're not taking action. I think this is going to help you.

I was at a point in my life where I was in a pretty bad place. You know I'm blind and over half deaf and I was working on a new disability on my hands using the computer the way I do. It just wore out my thumb joints. It's what the doctors told me, "you have hundred year old hands on a whatever year old body". At this same time, I was losing my family. My wife and I decided to get divorced, the boys decided to move to stay with the mom and they were going to be several hours away. What ended up happening while all this took place was I lost my identity. I didn't know who I was anymore. It was a really frustrating time in my life, a very empty time in my life, I felt lost. My identity was gone. I was no longer a daily father. I was no longer a husband. I was going to be losing my job at any point and I felt as low as I could go. There was just no way around it. I realized some things at that point. I realized that I didn't want to feel like that anymore and it was a turning point in my life where I had to change everything that I was to become what I could be. To do this I had to go back in to my personal self and say, alright, I can't do the kind of work that I used to do so that's gone. What is it that I want to do? Well no matter what it is, I've always done, I've always taken pride in helping people. When I worked for the large organization, I didn't work for the large organization, I worked for the individual that was in front of me that moment for the greater good of the large organization. But to me, my client was the most important thing. When I realized that, it helped me decide what it was I wanted to be.

This brings us to the first point. This first point is Know Your Story. If you know your story and yes I know, most people will tell you to think of a time in your life when you were most successful and emulate it. That's true. However, when getting on your path to succeed you need to look at the parts of your life that weren't so terrific. If you have a crescendo moment, like my moment sitting in that chair, when my life was over and I thought this is it, I'm done, I'm tired I'm done, I've had it. Then what came out of that was all these voices started going through my head saying, you're amazing or you're a great role model or, you’re so fun to be around or whatever. I didn't feel so amazing then, I didn't feel like a role model then and I certainly didn't feel like a lot of fun. But I took from that, I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like this ever again. This is rock bottom, I'm not coming back. I'm digging my way out and I'm never coming back. So you see in knowing your story, you can identify with where you were, how you felt and really dig in to the, I don't ever want to be like that again. And in knowing that, and reminding yourself every now and then when you're struggling to reach that level of success, that next action you need to take, you think back for just a moment. I'm not talking about dwelling on the bad things for the rest of your life. Of course not. But I am saying, take Life's lessons and think back and say to yourself, I was like that, I'm not going to be like that, I'm not going to feel like that, I'm not going to be dragged down like I was back then. So you need to remember this time and grow from it. Learn from it. Plant the seeds and say, now it's my turn to grow.

Number 2 it Take Ownership Of Who And What You Are. Take ownership of who and what you are right now. Be responsible for yourself. Be responsible for what you've done. Be responsible for what you will do. I think in today's society we are so quick to point the finger at the other guy. Or, we're so quick to point the finger at society. And, we aren't responsible for our own actions and that's wrong. We need to take more responsibility for the things that we do, the things that we say, the actions that we take, the actions that we don't take. Alright? We need to take that level of responsibility and you need to focus on yourself more. You know? And take it to all levels. Be nicer to people when you're out there in a store and so forth. Be nicer to the people that you come across on the street. Throw them a smile. Hold the door open for somebody. Do the nice things. In all of this, comes great amazing things. When you take ownership of who and what you are right now, you take stock, write it down. What am I right now? What do I want to become? Again, you will start to take the steps that you need to take. At least you'll know what steps to take. And knowing what steps you need to take is half the battle. The other half of the battle of course is taking those steps. But, you've got to start somewhere. And, when you are willing to take a good hard look at yourself and see what you really are, do I have anger in my heart? Do I have kindness in my heart? How am I gonna proceed from here? Am I going to be a nice person? Am I going to emulate Jane over there who is just a sweet heart of a person all the time or, am I going to be like Jack over there who is a grumbling son of a gun that I can barely stand being around. So, you need to take stock of yourself.

Number 3 in Pathing success is, write out your long and short term goals. Yes, I know you've heard this before but have you done it? And have you done it recently? Recently! When you write out long and short term goals and I mean short term goals. Like, what am I going to do in the next 2 or 3 days. What actions am I going to take in the next 3 days? What learning am I going to do in the next 3 days? Alright? Ask yourself these questions. Write them down. And, where's it going to lead me in a year from now? 5 years from now? 10 years from now? Teach your kids this. Some kids know what they want to be when they're 10 years old. And if you teach them to write down these goals, just like you should do, they'll get there. They'll get excited about it they'll be reminded of it all the time. Now, when you have these goals, you look at them every week. At least every week and you change as required because you've done this, now you need to do that. Then when you've done that, the next step is, and so forth. So you want to write it out. And yes, I know you've heard this before but man, if you're not doing it how do you expect to get there? It's just not that hard. See, most things in life, they're not that hard. As humans we like to complicate everything. We like to over think everything. right? Paralysis by analysis, we like to analyze and analyze and come up with all the reasons why we can't do something. Instead of taking the time to focus on how and why we can do things. Just that, just that very sentence right there will help you dramatically if you implement it. So, you need to write down those goals. You need to review them weekly. And the reasons you review them weekly. One is to remind yourself of them and see whether or not you are on track and to rewrite your short term goals for the next week or the next day, what ever. But you need to take action on this stuff. .

Number 4, is a tough one, it's a hard one, it's a complicated one, it's called, Be Consistent! What? That's not hard. No, it's not hard. But what it is, it takes constant thought. It takes constant action. To be consistent is doing the things I've just said here, like writing out your goals, rewriting them every week, knowing the action that you need to take and actually taking them. You need to be consistent in all things all times. And, if you slack off today, believe me that's not a day wasted, that's a lot of opportunity lost. I've done this, I've been here. I've wasted weeks, I wasted months, I've wasted years of my life. I'm not doing that anymore. No way! I am so determined to do what it is that I want to do to achieve the goals that I want to achieve, to help a vast number of people out there who are like you, that I'm not quitting. I'm going to remain consistent, I'm going to do what I need to do. My learning never ends. I read books, new books all the time I re-read old books all the time. When you start to take that kind of consistent steps every day, something to lead towards that goal, then you are going to get there. If you don't, obviously you're not getting anywhere. So, be consistent. Write down notes constantly. When you read a book when you're watching this video right now, you should be with a pen and paper in your hand writing down the things I'm saying because you are not going to remember in an hour from now, or 3 days from now. You might remember, Ya, Michael Edward, ya, he's pretty cool. He had some really good stuff. What did he have to say? Ah, well, it was something about goals, um, you know...
So you need to write these things down. Have a notebook, refer to that notebook. When you read a book and you finish the chapter or even when you have a great line in the book, you write it out and you say, this is so meaningful to me because of... Make note!

It's so simple but people that won't succeed will never take these steps. If you want to succeed, you need to take these steps. So, be consistent Be a great student of life and learn all that you can. I've actually combined 4 and 5 here I wasn't planning on adding a fifth point but you got it. So there you go. Be a great student of life because I'm telling you all the great leaders are great readers, all the successful people have done everything here in this video.

I want to thank you for being with me. I hope this information serves you. I hope you take action on it. I invite you to please subscribe. To please join me over on Facebook. And, check out my blog. And if you haven't gotten to the website yet and joined the email list you definitely want to do that because I'm sending out great content all the time to help you reach your level of success. . That's at That's ME Michael Edward, pretty simple, There's a link there where you can join the email list and so forth. That site will be updated pretty regularly so go back and check it out every now and then. If you are on the email list you are probably going to get updated anyway.

I want you to go out there and Enjoy every day, Love all the way and succeed.


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