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Physiology Leads Psychology

Apr 29, 2019

If you feel depressed to any degree. If you need more power. When you want to change how you feel, you must Change your Physiology to change your Psychology.


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1. Change Physiology Change Your Power
In order to feel badly one needs to take specific actions with their body, Physiology. You need to slump your shoulders forward, push your tummy out, hang your head and take small tentative steps. If you do this you likely will feel depressed.
Now flip this around. Stand tall, head up, shoulders back and chest out. You will automatically feel better. You will feel more alive, have more power and tell the world that you really are a somebody.

2. Your Face Is Your Emotion
When I talk to schools one thing I show them is how smiling changes how they feel. I tell them to smile a big goofy smile. You can feel the mood of the room change instantly. The kids laugh and are far more alert.
Stand before a mirror and practice different facial expressions. Try looking sad or angry then move to happy and blissful. Now pay attention to how your facial expressions change your emotional state. You will notice the difference in how you feel, your psychology

3. Breathe Deeper
Breathing down in to your belly is how you are supposed to breathe. Observe a little baby and watch the tummy go up and down. We learn later how to breathe shallowly. Shallow breathing gives shallow emotions. Before I perform a lift in the gym I take a few good deep breaths. I can feel my body responding right away. The additional oxygen helps focus my mind and pumps me up. Every lift I perform is accompanied with deep breathing. I also do this little exercise when I need a boost of energy before recording a video or any other time I require it.
Athletes know to breathe deeply before and after an event. The difficulty lies in that this is a habit we need to develop all the time. Take time each night before bed to take 10 good slow deep breaths. Think about how you are breathing during the day. Is the breath stuck in your chest or are you breathing in to your belly?

Often it is a good starting point to take time to observe others around you. Decide how they feel based on your observations. Does that person appear to be happy or sad? Does he move with purpose? Does she walk with confidence exuding power?
Now apply those results to yourself and feel more personal power and experience that sensation of Physiology Leads Psychology for yourself.

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