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Power Of Possibilities

Apr 15, 2019

How do you respond when you have unexpected outcomes? When things just don’t appear to be going your way? Do you label them as being bad or view them as just another result? Do you point the finger of blame or own it?

Click here to watch Power Of Possibilities on YouTube

Every failure can have infinite possibilities. Every bad experience a lesson. You can choose how you react and respond. Some give up and never reach their dreams while some grow. Why is it is that some grow? Some people come from terrible traumas and bounce back and are even stronger? Why is it that some people with a major disability refuse to give up and reach their dreams? Yet other people in a similar state never move forward? Why do some people who had a very bad childhood flourish and have successful lives and some end up living a life of booze and drugs?
To reach your highest level of success means that you must view all outcomes as a vital learning tool. This means you need to get out of your own way and think beyond the situation that confronts you. When you begin to take this approach you will be able to see that there really are other options. You really can make better choices.

When you do try to take action and you fail, how do you think of that failure? Is it then time to give up or is it time to reevaluate the outcome?
If you choose to view failures as nothing more than results, you can take a good objective look at how you reached that point.
Now you can the decide to make changes and have a different result. Is it now more to your liking? If no, try again and have a different result.

Successful people choose to embrace responsibility. Once you decide to do so you have taken a huge step forward. Taking responsibility allows you to get in the mindset of, if I have control over something this means I now have the ability to alter it. You will have control to make choices and take different actions to get different results.
If you choose a life of always passing on responsibility you give up all hope of ever living a life of joy. Blaming others will never serve you in reaching your dreams. Circumstance will constantly push you around. You will remain in the state of failure since you can’t possibly be responsible for either the good things in your life or the bad. If however, you choose to take responsibility for all things good and bad you now are in a completely different thought process. This changes your actions and changes your results.
Being responsible gives you back the Power Of Possibilities

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