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The Power Is In The Present

Mar 11, 2019

Do you spend too much time looking back? Getting trapped in the past is a very common issue. This can really block you from reaching your highest level of success. There is nothing wrong with taking a trip down memory lane. The problem comes in following the negative thoughts and making them even worse than they really were.


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The Past Doesn't Decide Your Future
It really doesn’t matter how good or bad your past was. You can choose to let it go and be powerful in the present. It is the present that dictates your future. What you do right now decides what results you will get tomorrow.

Live For Today
The day you finally decide that you are in control is the day you should mark down and celebrate. Start every day as a new day. A new life. You choose how you feel. How you will react to situations. Will you be open or closed down? Show love or anger? Win the day or lose? Take action or skip yet another day. Live with intention or be the bubble floating on the breeze.

Forgiveness Is The Answer
I believe that many people are confused about forgiveness. It is not about forgiving the one who did you harm or confronting that individual. It is about forgiving the feeling you carry around inside of you. It is the negative feeling that must be released. It is the negative feeling that eats away at you. In some cases the person who did you wrong doesn’t even remember the event. Yet there you are living and reliving the event.
I don’t believe that confronting a person is a safe or wise thing to do. I think you should stay as far away from that person as you can. This is not what I’m suggesting at all. I am suggesting that you take some action toward internal forgiveness.
Forgiveness is about releasing the negative feelings associated with a specific event or trauma. There are several methods for doing so.
Get professional assistance. Please talk to your doctor or health care provider.
Explore other alternative options such as my Tap It Out program. TIO removes the negative emotions associated with traumas and so much more. Join my email list above and contact me for more information.
Above you can also find a link to another video I recorded How To Meditate For Success. You may find it helpful.
No matter what method you choose, I strongly encourage you to take action on removing the negative feeling you have. This will allow you to feel so much better and you will be far more likely to reach that highest level of success that you deserve.


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