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The Power Of Belief

Apr 08, 2019

If you need proof of The Power Of Belief, you only need to look at any time in history. Someone’s beliefs is what changed or created the beliefs for many. Yes, both good and bad. If you can harness your belief just think about how amazing your life could be.


Michael talks about The Power Of Belief here


The great explorers decided to look for new lands. Now we go way beyond the sky. Without belief this could never have happened.
You’ve probably heard of the placebo effect? People given pills containing no medication brought pain relief and cured illnesses? Yes, belief.
Your brain has the power to create a life of your dreams. You must believe that you can.
The environment that you were raised in can be a help or hinder. A child who is raised in a wealthy home will likely also be wealthy. A child who is raised in a home of degradation may also remain in that state. However, just because you may not have had the ideal environment does not mean you too can’t reach high levels of success. It just means you have to raise your belief to that of the wealthy child.

1. Model Excellence 
Many successful people have used this concept to first raise their belief and reach their high level of success. Find someone who you want to role model yourself after and adopt as many attributes of that person as you can. Learn what books they’ve read, what do their beliefs include, how they dress, how they talk, how they shake hands. Just anything and everything.
The old saying don’t reinvent the wheel does apply here. Find someone and learn everything you can about that person.
Read books about various people to learn about him/her. You can pick up a lot of information about people who you will never meet. Those who are now gone. Their wisdom can be learned from their written word.

Your Past Results
If you did it once my friend, you can do it again. There are times in all our lives where we were powerful. When things just came together. It was like magic. I like to think of it in this little statement.
“Has been, can be.” Michael Edward
The challenge here is that we forget what it felt like to be powerful. Then we lose our belief in our ability to figure things out. Here’s where you need to recall those powerful times which will raise your belief and lead you to a greater level of success.
You can grab your pen and literally write a short story about times when you were powerful. If writing isn’t comfortable then just talk about times with a loved one. Brag a little.

Experience In Your Mind
This is where we slip in to our minds for a while. Call it meditation or visualization or anything you want. Just close your eyes and picture everything just as you want it to be. Smell the smells, hear the voices, touch things around you, even taste the tastes. Be there.
“If you can touch it in your mind, you can have it.” Michael Edward.
Be sure to schedule time to play in your mind. If you don’t you won’t.
Enjoy, Love Succeed.


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