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The Truth About Law Of Attraction

Dec 17, 2018

There has been much said about LOA over the years. There is one primary ingredient that is often over looked. It is this ingredient that makes all the difference in the world to you.


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The basic of LOA is this. What you think about is what you get back. You know that person who walks around angry all the time? Bad things keep happening to that person to help keep them angry. Just like that happy go lucky person you know. Everything works out for him. He or she is “so lucky”. It is not luck it is by design.

Everyone who teaches any form of Personal Development teaches LOA directly or indirectly. We all say. You have to feel good, associate with positive people, Keep the dream in your mind all the time. Remove as much negativity from your life that you can. Sound familiar?

The teachers of LOA teach that if you want something hard enough it will come to you. Just sit on your couch and dream, the money will come to you. You need only visualize your dreams and somehow you will achieve it. This is why a book that was very well known had such a high failure rate. The movie that also shared the same name of the book was very good and also had a low success rate when people tried to implement the teachings. Keeping in mind if you know that book or movie I am trying not to mention by name is good. It just didn’t explain this simple yet necessary missing ingredient.
The missing ingredient is this. All these things plus working hard will bring it to you. Yes, you must take action. When you take action you will reach your highest level of success.

1. Your mind puts out energy.
Your thoughts are real and has power. This is why you often have ideas come to you. Those that take action on those thoughts are the ones who succeed.

2. Have one primary focus
If you scatter your thoughts over many things all the time you can’t ever be focused on the one thing you really want. Keep that main dream that main dream.

3. Missing ingredient.
I have heard this over and over. Just dream, put it out there and you will get it. What you will get is ideas. You will get nudges to move in a certain direction. Some call this intuition. The most important thing you can do is take action on that dream. The action you take will result in more nudges. Follow those nudges through actions and get more nudges. It’s the actions that you take that makes you great.

LOA is not a mystical belief shrouded in a mysterious cloak. Keep it simple. The thoughts you put out are the results you will get. Just make sure you are sending out the good positive productive thoughts you want back and not angry negative ones.

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