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When Life Throws You A Curve Ball

Mar 25, 2019

How do you react when life throws you a curve ball? When something unexpected happens? Do you completely go off your schedule? Your plan for success? Michael’s back went out and here’s how he remained productive while rehabbing his back.


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First focus on the things that you can do. Most people decide they can’t do all they want so forget the whole thing. Example if you can’t make it to the gym, do some stretching at home or walk up and down the stairs several times. Stairs are a very intense workout. Michael used the down time to get caught up on his reading.

Second, have very big reasons to keep on going. Remember why it is that you want to reach that goal. You must have reasons to reach that highest level of success. This is the time to remind yourself of those reasons. Why do you want to succeed? Who will benefit when you have succeeded?
Michael must rehab his back quickly for two primary reasons. He loves to teach people how to find their highest level of success. He can’t work at his desk much at all right now due to the pain. Also, he and some of his oldest friends are competing in a sport for the blind in a week.

Third, Have a plan of action and follow it. No matter the situation you find yourself in, there’s something you can do to keep pushing closer to your dream. Take the can do’s and figure out when you will be able to do them. Fill up your calendar with this new plan of action and crush it.

You need to be adaptable and adjust and Enjoy, Love, Succeed.


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