Why Must You Celebrate The Little Wins
Jul 22, 2019
Why Must You Celebrate The Little Wins
Have you ever felt like you aren't getting ahead in life? You are just rushing from one task to the next? You feel underappreciated? This is not all that uncommon.
In order to reach a high level of success, you must develop certain habits. These habits break you out of that mental trap you find yourself. Habits that will help you feel more powerful which will help you take the actions necessary to move forward and form a better life for you and those you love. It all starts in you and how you view the little wins you have. Those little successes you forget to enjoy every single day.
Little Wins?
You may be asking, what little wins? What did I do worth thinking about much less celebrating? I don't do anything special! I believe that you do. I think that the issue is that you don't recognize them.
When you complete any task large or small that is a win. When you do so with intention and caring that is a win. When you make someone smile you gave a gift. From the seemingly menial tasks around the house to creating a program to change lives. Even in making the better choice versus making the wrong one. Maybe you are trying to lose weight. Going for that walk and not sitting on the couch. Eating something healthy and not reaching for the junk. Running a large business. Yes, life is filled with little wins. The trick is to take a moment in time and celebrate them.
How To Celebrate Little Wins?
This is not a complicated process. It is very simple and the rewards are extraordinary. It is all about you taking a moment to acknowledge that you completed something and you did it well.
I was terrible at this. It didn't matter the task large or small, the efforts I put in, once the task was complete I'd lift my head and say to myself, what's next?
I remember when I graduated from college. There I was with my two best friends. My Dog guide Kore on the floor She lead me through the busy halls and took care of me. Beside me was my best buddy who is also blind. How many times we leaned on each other. The million challenges we had to overcome. My mind went over some of the wins. The late nights just to get a book in a format that we could read much less actual time studying. Learning how to use a computer for the first time and trying to figure out how to use various programs with minimal to no help. We were blind. We didn't have anyone to turn to, we just had to figure it out.
Someone was on the stage giving a commencement speech. I can't remember who he was or one word he said. I was remembering all the wins I had over the previous few years. The wonderful people who supported me during the highly difficult productive time. I hardly ever stopped to congratulate myself for all the successes I had. I was so grateful for those who helped me and I knew one thing. I could have all the help in the world but if I didn't take the action and work very hard I wouldn't have been sitting there. I reached over and took my friend's hand and shook it. I realized right then that I had to make a change in my life. I had to learn to take time to congratulate myself for a job well done.
All these years later, I still struggle with this. I brush off the wins. I recorded a video today. I got it uploaded and posted a blog and all the other little tasks that are necessary during this process. It's time to sit back and say, Michael old boy, you did good.
Why Do We Need To Recognize The Wins?
Here are four reasons for learning to celebrate your wins. Apply them in your life so you can make a difference and reach your highest level of success.
1. To Grow Confidence
Being more confident helps you to take on the next challenge with grace. You can face the struggles and succeed. You've done it before and you now know you can do it again.
2. Feel Powerful
From having more confidence you feel more powerful. This is a wonderful feeling and one that will help take you to your end goal.
3. Build Momentum
As you practice celebrating your wins you are building momentum to keep going. This increases your confidence and your personal power. The more momentum you build, the more you get pulled forward to a sense of flow. It is that sense of flow that keeps you on track to reaching your goals and dreams.
4. Leads To Big Wins
Celebrating the small wins leads to more small wins and this leads to bigger wins. The rewards that you get from the big wins may be the gold but the little wins is what gets you there.
If you ever had that strong feeling of power, the feeling of being in control you may also recall taking pride in your wins and congratulating yourself for a job well done. It often begins with developing the habit of self-congratulations or celebrating your wins. Be amazing and reach your highest level of success.
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