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Why Some People Are Leaders And Some People Are Followers

Jun 24, 2019

It's not your fault. They just don't teach this in most school systems.

Do you wonder Why some people are leaders and some people are followers? Do you ever wonder why some people are able to move up the latter or achieve great things and you haven't? Is the other guy so much smarter? Is the world against you?


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Sometimes it can feel like you just don't stand a chance. Like there's nothing you can do to change anything in your life. Well, let me tell you some things to help you. Let's get this out of the way first. In most cases the other person is not smarter than you. There are different kinds of smarts. I believe that we may tend to lean to one path over another because it suits who and what we are. Can someone who is a very good writer also be a great speaker? Maybe but maybe not. Can that same writer learn to be a very good speaker? Of course she can.

Even though I do believe we have some gifts or talents in something I don't believe for one second that you are not as smart as you need to be to reach a high level of success.

Take our educational system. Is it true that a person who has a high education more likely to succeed over someone who doesn't? I am betting that the statistics would say yes. I don't believe that the ability to memorize historical dates and events will make you successful. Perhaps the gift in being more educated is that somewhere along the way the students mind was opened up to new ideas. To the concepts of success. How anyone can dream, believe, achieve. Frankly I think back on my school days and wonder how I can still walk much less brush my teeth. The amount of useful skills I learned was a fraction of what they taught me. They certainly didn't teach me the below 4 points.

In college I learned a good deal more about my chosen field which was Business Management. It was in college where I really began to excel as a student of life. I had teachers there who were also mentors. They started opening me up to the concepts I'd learn in great detail many years later.

So, what about the person who didn't attend college or even performed well in any public school system. Can they reach a high level of success? Of course they can. Success doesn't know about people's education or demographics or upbringing. Success is attained when one knows about one's chosen field and develops the habits below. Success is truly blind and deaf. Success can't judge with its eyes or ears. Success can and does judge by action or inactions.

I can remember my first job like it was yesterday. I remember that I have something to prove not only to those around me but most importantly to myself. I was blind and about half deaf then. I worked in a call center. I had to answer incoming calls and respond to enquiries based on an extensive complex data base. I was the first blind person to hold this position like almost every other job I ever had. I was a driven fool. First I had to learn how to use their computer systems as well as how to use the screen reading software that allows the computer to verbally tell me what's on the screen. After that I was able to be on a more or less equal playing field to everyone else there.

I remember hearing something about a command that one could use to move from one section of the database to another without having to go back to the main menu.
I thought about how this would save a lot of time. This would also shorten the amount of time that a client would have to be on the phone. I could learn this and share it with my coworkers so that they could save time for them and their clients too.

I really didn't have much control over my work day as such. I needed to be on the phone to answer calls. That was my primary job. Most days there just wasn't enough down time to get a lot of work done although I did try doing just that. I began coming in early and sometimes leaving my desk a bit late. I was able to learn all about these screen jumps. I printed a list for my coworkers. I brailed out a list for myself. I know that some of my coworkers did use this time saving technique and really appreciated my efforts.

My manager began to hear about what I had done and started keeping a closer eye on my efforts. She marked me as a person who would move up the corporate latter quickly. I did just that. In fact I know of no one else sighted or blind who moved up through the pay grades as quickly as I did.

Those days are long behind me now. If you know my story, you know I lost everything I had and held dear. I had to start over again. I'm not a young guy with stars in my eyes anymore. I have learned a lot along the way and I am reaching my highest level of success now. Some of the reasons are these very 4 points below. I lived them all those years ago and I have to return to them all the time today too.

Follow these 4 points to be a leader or to reach your dreams.

1. Make Your Own Decisions
You have to decide to be a leader or to remain a follower. This choice above all else is going to help dictate everything else you do from this point on. Being a leader can mean that you espier to move up the latter of success in an organization or be a leader in your mind in regards to any dream you want to achieve.
This also means that you must stop listening to people who are not proficient  in an area that they choose to talk about. It is vital that you listen to some people but choose who you listen to wisely. Bad advice or negative advice will choke you.

2. Plan Your Own Work
Although it is true that often as an employee you may not have full flexibility to plan your work. There are likely some aspects that you do have some control over.
If it's your dream to have your own business you need to plan out the best way to reach your goal. Without a plan you will be taking a halfhearted approach to success and that never works well.

3. Continuously Show Initiative
Initiative is having thoughts independent of others. When you begin to think beyond what you've been told or observed you are on your way to changing processes.
Initiative is also being able to take action on those thoughts. It is not enough to recognize new processes but implementing those thoughts is vital.

4. Remain Persistent
To remain persistent is to be in constant flow. It is to reread the above 4 points and to live them.
I believe this is often where people fail. When you have a strong desire to achieve and you lack one or more of the above, you won't make the dream come true.

If you want to reach a high level of success you must be willing to consider these 4 points and activate them in your mind.

You don't have to be brilliant to be successful. You do need to take action on your dreams. Remember, Actions are the legs that lead you to success. Apply the 4 points above in your life and reach your highest level of success.

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